Chris Pratt Creams Jimmy Fallon in a Game of "Box of Lies"

The Tonight Show host is a "sucka," according to the actor

By Zach Johnson Jun 15, 2018 11:55 AMTags

As an actor, Chris Pratt plays pretend for a living—so Jimmy Fallon should have thought twice before challenging him to a game of "Box of Lies" on NBC's The Tonight Show Thursday. Pratt, who was on the late-night show to promote Universal Pictures' Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (in theaters June 22), opened one of the mystery boxes first, and privately debated whether he should describe its unusual contents or tell the truth. As he examined it, he asked, "Is this real?"

As Fallon studied his facial expressions, he decided to be honest. "This is a small diorama of little people—dwarves—engaging in stretching, yoga," Pratt said. "And they're wearing hats."

Dubious, Fallon shouted, "You lie!"

After Pratt called him a "sucka," Fallon said, "Well done! You reeled me right in, man!"

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom: Movie Pics

Next, it was Fallon's turn to unbox a mystery item. As he observed the odd object, the host laughed out loud and told his guest, "I wouldn't be surprised if you had one of these at home!"

So, what was it? "A vibrating Jell-O mold of Jeff Goldblum," he said.

Pratt correctly guessed he had been told the truth, joking, "I do have one of those at home."

"I have two of them," Fallon said, "because they're just so much fun!"

For the final round, Pratt opened his next mystery box and discovered a toy dinosaur on a spinning platform; its toenails had been painted pink and it was dressed as a ballerina. "I don't think it's very nice to do this to this thing," the actor began. "Maybe it's omnivorous creature..."

"Are you trying to use big words to trick me?" Fallon asked.

"It's a skull, and it's bedazzled," Pratt said. "I think it could be a raccoon, or maybe a fox."

Not wanting to be outwitted, Fallon told his opponent, "It's interesting because you last time you told the truth, but you acted like you were lying—like you didn't know. And now you're acting like, 'I don't know. It could be a thing. I don't know. I've never seen teeth before.' You've never seen teeth before? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of! You have teeth! You brush 'em every day! In the morning! And at night! Chris Pratt, you are telling the truth!"

After Pratt revealed he had actually lied, Fallon called him "the master."

"Jurassic Week" continues tonight with Pratt's co-star, Bryce Dallas Howard.

(E!, NBC and Universal Pictures are all members of the NBCUniversal family.)

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