Kendra Wilkinson Fires Back at Mommy Shamers: "I Make My Sacrifices"

She shares two children with ex Hank Baskett

By Corinne Heller Apr 12, 2018 7:21 PMTags
Kendra Wilkinson, Hank Jr., Alijah, KidsInstagram

Kendra Wilkinson is not keeping silent when it comes to being criticized over her parenting skills.

The 32-year-old Kendra on Top star, mother of 8-year-old son Hank Jr. and 3-year-old daughter Alijah, took to Instagram on Thursday to fire back at mommy shamers.

"Let me just vent for a second," she said in a post that including a pic of her and her kids making silly faces while standing in a creek. "I bust my ass off as a human being. I work, pay bills, take care of 2 kids and love them to the fullest plus trying to take care of myself through it all is a 24/7 job. I don't know what the f--k some of u haters think u know but you better get your heads checked because your assumptions based on pictures and clips of shows make u straight up delusional."

"I appreciate the true people that follow me and know who i truly am vs idiots comin in n out making s--t up," she said. "I'm also talking about people around me too. I'm a lover and a free spirit by nature, not a fighter but lately I've been feeling pushed into a corner by judgement and opinions that are 100 false n not me."

Wilkinson shared her post days after she shared pics of herself having lunch with Jersey Shore stars Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi and Deena Cortese and playing video games while drunk after filing for divorce from her kids' father and her husband Hank Baskett.

"While people on the internet AND in real life are feeling bad for my kids cuz mama has to work, my kids at the same time are thanking me. I make my sacrifices so my kids can have a life they deserve," continued Kendra, who had also shared images of her spending quality time with her kids after the split. "I drink to celebrate only and i enjoy my friends. One day I'll get the credit i deserve for all the hard work i do but til then I'm going to keep doing me."

"I get it, i shouldn't care what people think but sometimes I'm human and s--t gets to me..." she wrote.

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