Why Is This Man Sniffing Shawn Mendes' Armpit?

Singer found himself in a very unique interview

By Samantha Schnurr Apr 12, 2018 2:36 PMTags
Shawn Mendes, ArmpitInstagram

There was nothing holdin' this interviewer back. 

We hope Shawn Mendes put some deodorant on before this chat because someone wanted to get a whiff. In a very strange series of events, the 19-year-old star was doing an interview with Swedish TV presenter Martin Björk when things got a bit bizarre. The musician was in Sweden earlier in the week when we suspect this interview took place. 

Björk's line of questioning included queries about his "most ugly famous friend," what he never wants to hear in bed and which one of his body parts he's most proud of. 

Then the pièce de résistance came: "Can I smell your armpits?" the TV star asked. 

Mendes obliged—"Go for it"—and Björk sniffed. "F--k, that was good!" he responded surprised. 

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According to interviews shared on his Instagram page, this isn't the first time Björk has sniffed armpits—or had his own armpit sniffed. This explains why he tagged the video "Intimate with Björken."

Mendes may have hinted at his discomfort when he replied to this question: "What will you never do with me?"

As the star quipped back, "One of these interviews again."

However, it all seemed to be in good fun, especially when Mendes got candid with the interviewer about his own odor. 

"When was the last time you got interviewed by someone with a really bad breath?" the Swedish star asked. 

"Right now," he answered. 

Touché, Mendes, touché.

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