Chris Rock Calls Himself a "F--king A--hole" for Cheating on His Wife

"I brought this s--t on myself; nobody told me to go ho up," the comedian admits

By Zach Johnson Feb 14, 2018 1:25 PMTags
Chris Rock, TamborineNetflix

For better or worse, the source of Chris Rock's best material is his own life.

Chris Rock: Tamborine—the comedian's first stand-up special in 10 years—debuted on Netflix on Valentine's Day. Directed by Bo Burnham and filmed at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, it showed Rock speaking candidly about the demise of his 18-year marriage to Malaak Compton. "The last few years have been crazy for me. Don't clap for that s--t unless you're a lawyer!" Rock laughed. "You don't wanna get divorced. You got somebody you love, hold tight. Commit."

Admitting he was "not a good husband," the 53-year-old comedian confessed he slept with three different women on the road—which he later came to regret. "It's f--ked up. When guys cheat, it's like we want something new. But then you know what happens? Your woman finds out, and now she's new. She is never the same again. So, now you have new, but you have a bad new," he told the audience. "Some of these lessons you've just got to learn. Like, I brought this s--t on myself; nobody told me to go ho up. I brought this s--t on myself, and you've got to learn some lessons—some man lessons." He took full credit for the split, saying, "It's my fault, because I'm a f--king asshole. I didn't listen. I wasn't kind. I had an attitude, I thought, 'I pay for everything, [so] I can do what I want.' That s--t don't f--king work! I just thought I was the s--t."

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(Last year, Rock made similar comments about his attitudes and behaviors in Rolling Stone.)

Rock didn't shy away from discussing his custody hearing, including when a judge asked him to prove he had beds for his children to sleep in and food for them to eat in his new house. "I'm like, 'What have you heard about me?'" he recalled, thinking, "I'm Chris Rock, not Chris Brown."

During his marriage, Rock said he was "addicted" to pornographic websites. "When you watch too much porn, you know what happens? You become, like, sexually autistic. You develop sexual autism. You have a hard time with eye contact and verbal cues. You get desensitized. When you start watching porn, any porn will do. Then, later on, you're all f--ked up and you need a perfect porn cocktail to get you off. I was so f--ked up—like, I needed an Asian girl with a black girl's ass that speaks Spanish just to get my d--k to move an inch...I'm a lot better now."

These days, Rock is having a hard time picking up women. "You ever forget how old you are? Rihanna looked at me like I was one of her aunts. She didn't even register me as a dick-carrying member of society," Rock joked. "Like, I would have had an easier time f--king Aretha Franklin."

Chris Rock: Tamborine is now streaming on Netflix.

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