Jenna Dewan-Tatum Promises She and Channing Tatum Aren't Perfect: ''We Fight Like Other Couples''

The World of Dance host opens up for Health magazine

By Kendall Fisher Feb 06, 2018 11:13 PMTags
Jenna Dewan-Tatum, HealthJeff Lipsky for Health

We've already pegged Jenna Dewan-Tatum and Channing Tatum as one of our favorite couples in Hollywood...but just because they may appear perfect to all of us, doesn't mean they are.

In fact, the actress opened up about her relationship with Health magazine, admitting that when people call her family "perfect" it makes her want to scream.

"I think there are such things as great fits. It is a great fit as long as you are growing together, and I think up until this point we've really grown together," she said. "We've always had the same values. But we're not perfect! Are you kidding? We fight like other couples, we disagree about things, we have days where we don't really like each other."

Channing Tatum & Jenna Dewan: Romance Rewind

Aside from growing together, Jenna says being physically attracted to each other is another big factor—not only for their relationship, but for everyone's!

"I'm a very sensual person, same with Chan. It is just how we're made up, and it's a big part of how we connect," she explained. "There's a real tangible physical connection."


Jeff Lipsky for Health

In fact, this is something she believes on a more deeper level, too.

"You know when Oprah asks, 'What do you know for sure?' [I know] The body does not lie. You can convince your mind of things, think you're in love, but your body doesn't lie," she explained. "If your stomach is clenching or you feel attracted, that's all for a reason. You can't convince your body to feel something it doesn't."

Speaking of her body, Jenna says her confidence (especially with her body) also helps her relationship, and that confidence is something that's been instilled in her for a long time.

"There's a certain confidence that comes when you are performing on stage for an audience," she explained. "I'm very comfortable with little clothing on because of this. My mom would always make me feel amazing about my body. She was very grounded, which translated into confidence in myself."

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Jenna's mother has always been one of the people she's looked up to most.

"My mom was dealt some tough cards in life. My father left when I was one. It was shocking and unplanned...So my mom went from not working to having to work in a very short period of time in order to survive and raise me. We had to let go of our dog and move houses—we did that a couple times."

Jeff Lipsky for Health

Jenna continued, "Through it all, she made sure I was her first priority. She had a real sense of survival, and she passed that down to me. No matter what is thrown at me in life, I know I can handle it, and that's because of her."

She remembers that even when the negativity of Hollywood gets rough. She also believes age has helped her overcome the struggles of the industry.

"I think that comes with maturity and age," she said. "When you're younger there are definitely moments when you go through that comparing cycle. But you realize how miserable that makes you feel and that it's easier to appreciate someone and be inspired, rather than be jealous or insecure."

Read Jenna's full interview with Health here.

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