It's a Royal Reunion! Kate Middleton and Prince William Meet With the Swedish Royal Family

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visit the Royal Palace of Stockholm on day one of their four-day tour of Sweden and Norway

By Kendall Fisher Jan 30, 2018 6:12 PMTags
Kate Middleton, Prince William, King Carl XVI Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Prince Daniel, Duke of Vastergotland, Princess Victoria Pool/Samir Hussein/WireImage

Kate Middleton and Prince William are joining forces with the Swedish royal family!

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have had quite the day so far. They started the morning off by playing around in the snow in Stockholm and later transitioned into more appropriate attire for a fancy luncheon at the Royal Palace of Stockholm.

The lunch was hosted by King Carl KVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia, while Crown Princess Victoria and her husband Prince Daniel also attended.

As is standard during royal reunions, all six royals posed for a photo in which Duchess Kate's growing baby bump was visible under her emerald green frock!

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Following the luncheon, Victoria and Daniel accompanied Will and Kate through the streets of Stockholm from the royal palace to Stortorget, the city's oldest public square, braving the cold the whole way. There, the British royals learned more about Sweden inside the Nobel Museum.

They also visited the ArkDes, Sweden's national center for architecture and design, where they celebrated brands like Ikea.

Finally, the closed out their busy day with a black-tie dinner at the British ambassador's house. Throughout the event, they met with people like the Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and his wife Sulla Löfven as well as actors Stellan Skarsgård and Alicia Vikander.

And to think this only marked day one of Will and Kate's four-day tour of Sweden and Norway!

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