Did You Know A Christmas Story's Ralphie Also Starred in Elf?

Peter Billingsley grew up and became one of Santa's Elves in the 2003 holiday flick

By Kendall Fisher Dec 07, 2017 2:01 PMTags

You guys, we may have one of the greatest gifts of knowledge to give to you this holiday season...

Remember Ralphie from A Christmas Story? We're sure you do—the slightly awkward, blonde-haired, blue-eyed kid has continued to steal our hearts every time we re-watch the 1983 classic flick.

But we just found out something that's blowing our minds...He also starred in another one of our all-time favorite holiday movies: 2003's Elf!

Yes, his real name is Peter Billingsley, and he played one of the lead elves, Ming Ming, alongside Will Ferrell as Buddy.

He was 12-years-old when he played Ralphie, and apparently he just couldn't grow out of the Christmas spirit! He took on the role of Ming Ming at age 32.

And if that doesn't make you smile like Buddy the Elf, we don't know what will...

Check him out in both roles by launching the video above!

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