Wynonna Earp's Melanie Scrofano Wrote an Incredible Poem to Thank Fans for Girl on Top 2017 Win

"Before I was girl on top of E! Online, I was on top of that man of mine..."

By Lauren Piester Sep 08, 2017 3:00 PMTags

Ladies and gentlemen, let us present to you a woman we don't deserve.

The actress formerly known as Melanie Scrofano and now known as Girl on Top already weighed in on Twitter with her thanks for helping her win this year's poll, but now she's written you a poem. Yes, boys and girls, a poem, which you can hear her reading in the video above. 

And let us just say, it's a poem unlike any other poem. It's a little sexy, a lot funny, and probably the best possible response to all the voting everyone did over the past few weeks. 

Enjoy the full text of the poem below. 

TV Scoop Awards 2017: The Full List of Winners

"Before I was Girl on Top of E! Online
I was on top of that man of mine 
The result was a baby and I thought that maybe
Season two would be canceled by Syfy
But it wasn't! And the fans were nonplussed 
By my ginormous u-terus 
Earpers voted in droves, identifying roads
Now we're all dreaming in captchas 
So, high five to my former fetus
And to Mama Earp, Emily Andras 
And also to E! for including me in this list of incredible females
But the biggest thank you of all, goes to our fandom, more mighty than small 
Your support whose great depth leaves me completely shooketh
Boobs are better than dynamite, y'all" 

A girl on top, indeed. 

Wynonna Earp will return to Syfy in 2018. 

(E! and Syfy are both part of the NBC Universal family.)

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