Who Should the Next Bachelor Be? Rachel and Bryan Make Their Pick

Stars from season 13 of The Bachelorette sound off on the next face of the franchise

By Lauren Piester Aug 09, 2017 6:44 PMTags
Watch: Who Should Be the Next "Bachelor?"

Now that "Who will Rachel choose?" has been answered, it's time to focus our full attention on the next big question: Who will be the next Bachelor? 

While Rachel's runner-up Peter Kraus has been one of the favorites all season, he's got some serious competition among some of his fellow season 13 contestants for the job. Plus, Peter's got that whole issue with proposing to someone after just a few weeks of knowing them, which even Rachel believes might mean this is not the ideal world for him to be in. 

A Brief History of Bachelor and Bachelorette Finales

"I complimented Peter in the fact that he is able to stay true to himself," she told E! News' Zuri Hall to clarify the comments she made during Monday's finale about how the Bachelor format might not be right for Peter. "He's doing it on his own pace, and that's great. When I talked about that, I was basically saying you can't do that--I mean, you can stay at your own pace, but you've got to take a leap of faith and let yourself go." 

But Rachel and Bryan do have a guy in mind who would be good at being the Bachelor. 

"Alex!" Bryan revealed. "He's a very smart guy, good-looking. I think he would make the most interesting season. He's got that quirky personality." 

Watch the video above to find out who some other season 13 contestants are rooting for, then scroll for our thoughts! 

Peter Kraus

Up until the very end, the personal trainer/business owner from Madison, Wisconsin was a fan favorite, with #TeamPeter trending on Twitter during the finale. But if he has (very reasonable) issues with proposing to a person after only a few weeks of dating, could he actually be a good Bachelor? 

Rachel Lindsay outright said that maybe this reality show dating format isn't the right format for Peter to find love, and she'd probably know better than most people, but still, it's hard to imagine Peter just going back to his job and disappearing from our lives forever. (We can't see him on Bachelor in Paradise either.) 


Eric Bigger

It took a minute for Eric to make a big impression in season 13, but he eventually showed that he's a sweetheart with a positive attitude and a good story to tell. His lack of relationship experience could be a problem, but it also could make his journey even more interesting. 

Alex Bordyukov

While he didn't get a ton of screentime during Rachel's season, both Rachel and Bryan are rooting for him to get the job due to his smarts, his comedy skills, his quirkiness, and, of course, his face. We ain't mad at it.  

Dean Unglert

Dean won the hearts of viewers everywhere as we got to know his family and learned the heartbreaking story of how that family fell apart after his mother's death. It also helps that he's funny, and sweet, and nice to look at. However, he's young at only 26, and he's also about to be on Bachelor in Paradise, which could make or break a person's future in the franchise. So we'll just have to see about Dean. 

Kenny Layne

Kenny! We want the best for you and your adorable daughter! Which is why we think he shouldn't be the next Bachelor. We're not sure Kenny, a professional wrestler, could handle the pressure that comes with the job, especially if he's missing his kid.

Also not working in his favor? No one who has gone on a two-on-one date, which usually pits the contestants who clash the most against each other, has gone on to be the next Bachelor. 

Anthony Battle

....Sorry, we fell asleep while trying to come up with something, anything to say about Anthony. He seems perfectly pleasant. Great for real-life, not-so-great when you need to carry a franchise like a backpack. 

Iggy Rodriguez

Frankly, he would probably gossip about the ladies behind their backs more than the ladies would. Good candidate for Bachelor in Paradise, not the Bach. Not even close.

Will Gaskins

Will definitely flew under the radar this season, but when he did pop up, it was clear that he has charisma, charm and confidence (and a love of Game of Thrones). It's just...with so little screen time throughout the season, it's hard to imagine he's in the running. 

Josiah Graham

Josiah has a great story...and he loves to talk about it. (Very Kelsey Poe?) The attorney came off rather confident, some would say arrogant, throughout the season, even making accusations about other contestants in his ITMs, including that Iggy shoots "steroids in his nuts." We do think his competitive nature would lend quite nicely to The Bachelor Winter Games come February. 

Matt Munson


Just kidding. We know that Matt is the guy who wore a penguin suit on night one. And that is literally all we know. 

Adam Gottschalk

We feel like an owl, but who? (Also, you know it's not good when your puppet Adam Jr. has more personality than you.)

Jack Stone

Name one thing about Jack Stone other than the fact his name is Jack Stone. Come on, we don't have all day...

Jonathan Treece

Unless The Bachelor is moving to Cinemax, we're pretty sure the tickle monster (who prefers to go by this profession rather than DOCTOR) won't be violating women's personal space and abdomens in primetime anytime soon. 

Brady Ervin

You can't convince us Brady isn't secretly the male version of Tyra Banks' character in a secret Life-Size spinoff movie. You just can't. 

Diggy Moreland

JUSTICE FOR DIGGY. JUSTICE FOR DIGGY'S BOWTIES. The only way for ABC to right the wrong of denying us more time with Diggy is to make him the next Bachelor, it's only fair.

But we'll also take him on Bachelor in Paradise, we guess. 

The Bachelor will return in January on ABC. 

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