Gwyneth Paltrow Reveals How She Broke Her Foot

Plus, she talks about Goop's Jade Egg and her teenage smoking habit

By Zach Johnson Jun 06, 2017 12:10 PMTags

Gwyneth Paltrow made an unusual entrance on Jimmy Kimmel Live! Monday.

Rather than walk out onstage, as most guests do, Paltrow appeared from behind the couch. As she later told host Jimmy Kimmel, "I was rushing around my house and I was trying to pack my son for a fifth grade retreat, and I collided with the sofa." It was the first time she'd broken her foot, but she's broken her toes around eight or 10 times. "I don't know what is wrong with me!"

"Maybe you're drinking too much," Kimmel joked. "Is that possible?"

Either way, Paltrow said, "I gotta stop this toe-breaking thing!"

Paltrow was on the show to promote Goop Wellness' line of supplements and vitamins, but Kimmel wanted to ask about some of the other things her lifestyle brand has promoted over the years. "One of the things we like to do on Goop is find what the alternative world says about feeling good in the modern-day world. So, earthing—I don't actually know that much about earthing. It came out of me not knowing anything about earthing but hearing about it," she said. "They say that we lost touch with sort of being barefoot in the earth, and there's some sort of electromagnetic thing that we're missing. It's good to take your shoes off in the grass." Sensing Kimmel wasn't buying into it, Paltrow joked, "I don't know what the f--k we talk about!"

Kimmel then asked about the Jade Egg, which retails for $66. "The Jade Egg is an ancient Chinese practice where women insert the Jade Egg in their...lady help tone the pelvic floor," Paltrow said, admitting she's not as familiar with how it works. "I need to start the Jade Egg practice!" It's a big seller, she added. "Women have actually had incredible results. It acts as a small weight, so I suppose it tones the pelvic floor. There are women who are really good at practicing this, and they say it's good for balancing hormones and all kinds of amazing benefits."

Before the interview was over, Kimmel asked about her kids, Apple Martin, 13, and Moses Martin, 11, who will soon finish the school year. "Will you send them off to camp?" he asked.

"No," Paltrow replied. "I like them!"

"My parents would send me for eight weeks to camp, so if you want to know why I have so many issues..." she joked. In all seriousness, Paltrow confessed, "I actually loved camp. I went to a great camp in Vermont on Lake Champlain. It was an all-girls camp called Brown Ledge. It was riding and theater and water skiing and it was fantastic. I loved it." Kimmel joked that camp is a good place to start smoking, and Paltrow's experience proved his theory right. "My first summer, I was 13," the actress said, "and I think I came back like a pack of Camel Lights a day."

Kimmel joked, "This explains why you're not sending the kids to camp!"

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