Where Does Bones Rank Among the Best and Worst TV Finales of All Time?

We've updated our gallery ranking the best and worst TV finales of all time, based on your votes!

By Billy Nilles Mar 29, 2017 5:09 PMTags

Not every TV series knows how to stick a landing. 

Now that Bones has signed off for good, leaving all the crime fighting and, well, bones behind, it's time to take a look at where the beloved Fox procedural's series finale ranks among all the rest.

In our recap of the big series closer, which saw the Jeffersonian blow up, Brennan (Emily Deschanel) temporarily lose communication between both halves of her brain (leaving her, yes, unable to do all her bone sleuthing for the time being), only for the Jeffersonian to be re-built and life to go on, we tasked you, the fans, with voting in our poll—and the results are in.

The Best and Worst TV Finales of All Time

In our finale hall of fame, beloved shows like The Good Wife and How I Met Your Mother failed to impress their fans when all was said and done, while Breaking Bad and Parks and Recreation said goodbye in all the right ways, according to the fans. 

So where does Bones fall among the best and worst finales of all time, according to your votes? To find out, you're going to have to check out our updated gallery!

And before we close the book on Bones for good, how does the star herself feel about the series ending? "It comes in waves. It hit me for sure when I finished [shooting the finale]. What I miss now is the people I worked with, the actors and the crew. I'm mourning that I don't get to see those people every day. It will never be the same," Deschanel told TVLine. "I'm in the process of mourning the show itself. I think that will take longer to mourn, to kind of know what the show was for me and how it fits into television history."

Do you agree with Bones' spot in the ranking? Sound off in the comments below!

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