The 100 Is Finally Giving Clarke the Comforts of Home for a Quick Second

Exclusive! Watch Clarke find herself in a whole new world on this week's ep of The 100

By Lauren Piester Mar 21, 2017 3:00 PMTags

Who knew Murphy (Richard Harmon) could cook? 

Clarke (Eliza Taylor) certainly didn't, but she gets an oddly domestic surprise in this week's episode of The 100 when she takes a momentary break from trying to save hundreds of lives in the post-apocalyptic/pre-apocalyptic wilderness to visit Becca's island. 

Murphy and Emori (Luisa D'Oliveira) have shacked up in that big mansion, and it's almost like the next total disaster is not just around the corner. Murphy's got music playing, he's cooking something fancy, and he and Emori are cute as can be. 

In the clip above, exclusive to E! News, Clarke arrives at the mansion to find herself in a whole new world. 

The 100 Stars In and Out of Costume
The CW

Of course, something horrible and death-related is soon bound to happen (since this is The 100, after all), but for now, can't we all just enjoy this domesticity, and the potential for people taking showers?! 

In "Gimme Shelter," Clarke's arrival on the island doesn't quite go as planned, and neither do any of the new plans for saving everybody's lives as that black rain starts to fall. Everything is essentially terrible, but that's not anything new for this show. 

What is new for this show is Clarke hanging out in a fancy kitchen, so press play above to enjoy that novelty before everyone dies from evil rain! 

The 100 airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. on the CW. 

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