How Celebs Eat Their Way to Beautiful Skin, More Energy and a Balanced Body

A smoothie a day keeps the plastic surgeon away

By Diana Nguyen Jan 04, 2017 10:46 PMTags
ESC: How to Eat for Beauty, Reese WitherspoonXposure / AKM-GSI

Let's be real: The "new year, new you" concept is baloney.

Want to make a change that'll last? Let's concentrate on realistic lifestyle shifts you can actually do. Enter: Kimberly Snyder, author of Radical Beauty, creator of the celeb-loved Glowing Green Smoothie and nutritionist to the stars (Reese Witherspoon, Drew Barrymore and Rooney Mara are fans of her recipes).

"We look at New Year's as the end-all be-all for doing these resolutions, but instead we can look at it as a way to evolve," said the expert. "Have a degree of the measurability. Rather than making enormous goals, make them attainable, and the first step is to shift them into quarterly goals or even monthly goals throughout the year."

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For instance, start with a green juice every three days, and once you're used to that routine, make it every five days, suggested the pro. Hey, a smoothie a day can keep the plastic surgeon away...

This year, if you have specific health goals, the pro has provided key ingredients to mix into your diet to help you attain them…in the yummiest way possible, of course.

Resolution: I'm going to work toward healthier skin.

For Acne: "Bee Pollen is packed with vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which help enhance your overall glow, beauty and energy," said Kimberly. "It is said to have been consumed by the Chinese for centuries to help increase energy, fight acne and depression and improve digestion.

For Anti-Aging: "Beets are high in folate, vitamins A and C, iron, potassium, manganese and fiber. They have anti-aging benefits for your skin because they stimulate cell production and repair, which can protect your skin from premature aging and wrinkles."

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For Dull Skin: "If your skin is looking dull and lackluster, incorporate sweet potatoes, which contain the magical skin brightening combination of vitamin A and vitamin C," said Kimberly. "Vitamin A and C work to replace a dull complexion with a fresh face, while working to neutralize cell tissue-damaging free radicals."

For Dry Skin: "Almonds contain monounsaturated fats that help soften and protect the skin," noted the pro. "These fats are an important part of your cell membrane, and they help keep it from losing its own natural moisture and drying out."

Resolution: I want more energy.

"Start your mornings with The Glowing Green Smoothie," Kimberly suggested. "This is the ultimate energy and beauty booster. It's loaded with greens and vegetables (plus a bit of fruit to sweeten the taste), and packs a mega-punch of vitamins, enzymes, minerals, amino acids and fiber, making it a great choice for breakfast or for your mid-afternoon snack."

The Glowing Green Smoothie

7 cups chopped spinach (about a medium bunch)
6 cups chopped romaine lettuce (about 1 small head)
2 cups cold filtered water
1½ cups chopped celery (about 2 medium stalks)
1 medium apple, cored and coarsely chopped
1 medium pear, cored and coarsely chopped
1 medium banana, peeled and cut in thirds
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
1⁄2 cup minced fresh cilantro (stems are okay) (optional)
1⁄2 cup minced fresh parsley (stems are okay) (optional)

Instructions: Combine the spinach, romaine and water in a blender and begin processing on low. Gradually move to higher speeds and blend until smooth. Next, add the celery, apple and pear, and the cilantro and parsley (if using). Lastly, add the banana, lemon juice and ice (if using) and blend until smooth. Serve at once or refrigerate, covered, for up to 2.5- 3 days.

Resolution: I'm going to cut out sugar.

"Choose organic whenever you can, and if you are just beginning to reintroduce fruit into your diet, choose fruits that are lower in sugar, such as grapefruit, raspberries, green apples, blueberries and blackberries," recommended the best-selling author. "Also, consume the right kind of probiotics, which help balance yeasts that feed off sugar and help create balance in your system overall."

Blonde Beauty Truffles

2 cups unsweetened coconut flakes
2/3 cup ground raw almonds
2 tablespoons maple syrup
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon sea salt

Instructions: Process the coconut flakes in a food processor to make a powder. Add the ground almonds and pulse to combine. Next, add the maple syrup, coconut oil, vanilla extract and sea salt, and process again to blend well. The coconut-almond mixture will be quite stick and moist. With clean hands, roll the coconut-almond mixture into balls the size of gum balls and arrange them on a plate (try not to eat too much!). Cover and refrigerate the truffles for at least 10 minutes before serving so that they can harden and chill slightly.

For more recipes and tips from the celeb nutritionist, visit her site here

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