
Hollywood & Football's Sabrina and Asia Compare Celebs and Sports Stars With Fun Game That Will Make You LOL

Watch our exclusive interview with the E! stars

By Brett Malec Nov 22, 2016 2:30 PMTags
Watch: Sabrina Britt & Asia Saffold Play 'Hollywood vs. Football'

It's a battle of the celebs vs. sports stars!

In anticipation of E!'s upcoming reality series Hollywood & Football, which follows the Rams' move from St. Louis to Los Angeles, we sat down with two of the show's stars Sabrina Britt and Asia Saffold to play a little game that pits athletes against Hollywood super stars.

"Who has the biggest egos?" E!'s own Sibley Scoles asked the ladies.

"Hollywood!" Sabrina quickly answered. "I would agree with that, yeah," Asia adds. 

Hollywood & Football: Meet the Ram-ilies!

"Who throws the best parties?"  "Football!" they both shouted out together.

"Who's the most dramatic?" "I don't know, that one's hard," Sabrina laughed. "I feel like the athletes."

So who's sluttier and who's more scandalous? Watch the game for yourself to see the hilarious answers!

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