Here’s What Madonna Has to Say About Lady Gaga’s Recent Subtle Shade

You know Madge had to address the latest comments made about her

By Bruna Nessif Oct 21, 2016 9:26 PMTags
Madonna, Lady GagaIan Gavan/Getty Images, Todd Williamson/WireImage

It seems as though the storyline between Madonna and Lady Gaga isn't going to die down any time soon, and we've just lived through the latest chapter of their ongoing feud.

The two singers, who have continuously spilled some subtle shade at each other in-between compliments, were once again brought up in conversation when their constant comparison was raised during Gaga's interview with Zane Lowe for Beats 1 Radio.

Mother Monster told the host, "Madonna and I are very different. I wouldn't make that comparison at all. I don't mean to disrespect Madonna...she's a nice lady, and she's had a fantastic, huge career. She's the biggest pop star of all time...But I play a lot of instruments. I write all my own music. I spend hours and hours a day in the studio. I'm a producer. I'm a writer. What I do is different."

See, not an absolute diss, but also, a little shad

Like A Boss! ??. LOL!

A photo posted by Madonna (@madonna) on

Well, Madge had something to say about that, but instead of talking to the press to respond to Gaga's comments, she just took to social media as many stars do in these situations, and used a Hillary Clinton meme to speak for her.

The photo showed the presidential hopeful solemnly sitting down and checking her phone with dark sunglasses on with the text, "Can't hear you. Too busy being awesome." She captioned the photo, "Like a boss! LOL."

Back in 2011, critics accused Gaga's "Born This Way" of being a ripoff of Madonna's "Express Yourself." Gaga responded at the time by telling NME, she found that to be "completely ridiculous."

"If you put the songs next to each other, side by side, the only similarities are the chord progression," she explained. "It's the same one that's been in disco music for the last 50 years. Just because I'm the first f***ing artist in 25 years to think of putting it on Top 40 radio, it doesn't mean I'm a plagiarist, it means that I'm f--king smart. Sorry."

In a 2015 interview with Rolling Stone, Madonna complimented Gaga, calling her "a very talented singer and songwriter." She did, however, address the "one issue" between them, saying, "The only time I ever criticized Lady Gaga was when I felt like she blatantly ripped off one of my songs."

As Madonna noted, it was other people who "turned it into a huge feud," but she was on her way to shutting it down. "I don't care anymore," she told Rolling Stone. "Here's the thing, one day everyone's going to shut up about it. You'll see! I have a plan."

Apparently, that day has yet to come.

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