Is This the New #Dress? The Internet Cannot Figure Out if This Bag Is White or Blue

#MyBag is #TheDress all over again

By Dominique Haikel Oct 05, 2016 8:37 PMTags
#MyBag, ViralTwitter: @whyofcorso

Update! Kate Spade chimed in about #MyBag. They did not clarify its color but they did drop this tweet.

Oh dear. The Internet is at it again. Since the days of #TheDress, a photo of a striped dress that went viral after no one could figure out its true color, nothing has even come close to stumping the Internet as bad as that did. Twitter, and soon every other social media outlet, your grandma and your dog were lost trying to figure out if #TheDress was white and gold or black and blue. To this day, despite the hype trickling out, many are still left hanging as to what the true answer actually was. We may never know for sure. It looks like we have another puzzle on our hands (literally, as it's a purse we're going to be talking about) and Twitter is kind of freaking out about it. 

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Will #MyBag, as it was trending on Twitter, be the new #TheDress? Time will tell. Let's get into it. 

Twitter user @whyofcorso posted a photo of her brand new purse with the caption, "Everyone say hello to my new baby." Seems like a perfectly harmless tweet, right? Who doesn't want to show the world their latest handbag purchase? Then, because it's Twitter, someone had to hit that comment with "White. Daring." We're sensing slight zinger vibes, but maybe it's just a compliment directed at the bag owners bravery? Corso tweeted back, "It's blue," and from there the floodgates opened. The question of the day is: is this purse blue or white? The post has thousands of likes, a gallon of comments and nearly 300 RT's. Comments range from simple and confident declarations like, "YUP Looks white to me," to detailed instructions on how to see its true color. 

"If you have an apple device just turn on the Night Shift option and you can see both colors," one user pointed out. "Try less mixed lighting, and the blue may come out on [the] picture," wrote another. "Oh God #thedress is happening with #mybag," the purse owner posted. Unlike the dress, this debate might have ended early. "Bitch it's Mystic Blue cry about it," Corso tweeted alongside a screenshot of the bag from the Kate Spade website. One woman also took a picture with her bag of the same style to back up Corso's claims that it is indeed blue. So there you have it. While that picture, in our eyes, totally looks like a white bag, if it says it's blue, it's got to be blue. We doubt Kate Spade would lie to her purse lovers like that. Maybe it's just bad lighting? We'll let you decide. 

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