Try Not to Get Emotional Over This Viral Photo of a Firefighter on 9/11

Never Forget

By Dominique Haikel Sep 12, 2016 6:24 PMTags
9/11, FirefighterFacebook: Lezlie Bauler

Planet Fitness employee, Lezlie Bauler, captured this photo of a firefighter, fully suited, climbing the stairs at his local gym. The reason for his workout attire might just make you shed some major tears. In observance of September 11, the man in the photo decided to climb the stairs at his gym to pay respects to the fallen heroes of the tragedy. 

Bauler captioned the Facebook photo, "This man asked if it was okay for him to climb 110 sets, fully suited, of stairs in honor of his fallen brothers and sisters for 9-11. Yes, sir, you can. I am not one to get emotional, but a few tears were shed. Thank you for your services."

The photo has been shared over 145,000 times and drew comments of support such as, " I'd like to imagine you hugged him, but I'm sure it's against policy. Thank you for sharing this. Such a beautiful moment in a time where we all seem so divided. We need to remember events like this where we came together as a country." The gym employee mentioned on her post that the photo was taken at her gym in Tennessee.

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The man in uniform, Jason Harding, released a statement to WTLV noting, "When I went to the gym this morning at 6 am before coming onto shift I was only wanting to honor the fallen heroes and their families on this day 15 years ago. I was not and am still not looking for any self-recognition. I have received so may private messages via Facebook from people expressing that support, gratitude and blessings. Many stated my act brought them to tears but little do they know, their support did the same for me. I want to thank everyone that shared and commented in response to this post. It is proof that although we seem divided as a country at times, we unite at the most crucial times. As a Public Safety Officer and McGhee Tyson airport officer, I am honored to be a Firefighter, a Police Officer and a Paramedic. I have been in emergency services for the most of my career after college and wouldn't change that for anything. There are memorial stair climbs all across the country today honoring just as I did. I have participated in Nashville's Memorial Stair Climb for the past four years. Unable to make it this year I decided to honor anyway." 

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