Prince William and Kate Middleton Give Life Advice to Kids While Touring Cornwall

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge also toured a cathedral

By Francesca Bacardi Sep 01, 2016 2:35 PMTags
Kate Middleton, Prince WilliamPress Association via AP Images

Prince William and Kate Middleton have kicked off their tour of Cornwall.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge first visited Truro Cathedral, where they signed a slate that was served to show their support for the historical building's million-pound roof appeal. After visiting the cathedral, both Kate and Wills went on a walkabout to meet and greet with hundreds of people who came to catch a glimpse of the royal couple and wish them well.

When a teaching assistant noted how much Prince William looks like his late mother, Princess Diana, William responded, "My mum was better looking."

Afterwards, the royal couple stopped by Zebs youth center to talk to kids about careers, dreams and goals. While there, William admitted that it took "an awfully long time" for him to figure out what he wanted to do with his life, so he told the group that it's totally OK to take some time to figure it all out.

"Do any of you know what you would love to be? Do you have some aspirations?" Kate asked the group.

Kate Middleton and Prince William's Royal Tour of India and Bhutan
Chris Jackson - WPA Pool/Getty Images

"It is totally cool not to have that, by the way," William interjected. "It took me an awfully long time to work out what I wanted to be."

"It is so difficult because there's so much out there," the duchess added. "It is hard, isn't it, to pinpoint one thing? William is right. I found it difficult as well."

Many of the kids breathed a sigh of relief after hearing from Kate and William, feeling reassured that they didn't have to have their lives figured out already. "They are both higher class and stuff like that so it is just reassuring that we can do well as well," one student shared. "They just sounded very interested in everything. They do genuinely want to know what it is like."

Afterwards the duke and duchess stopped by the center's sound and music room to take in some performances from the music students. When asked if William wanted to have a go on the drums, he joked, "Absolutely not. I would just hammer the drums. I know where my strengths lie and it is definitely not at a drum set."

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