Luann de Lesseps Has Totally Become That Girl on The Real Housewives of New York City

The Countess is like a schoolgirl in love with fiance Tom D'Agostino, dropping all of her friends in the process

By Billy Nilles Jul 07, 2016 4:36 PMTags
Luann de Lesseps, Real Housewives of New York CityBravo

There was a lot of talk last night on The Real Housewives of New York City about how Luann de Lesseps has reverted back to her Countess ways, leaving behind the fun-loving girl's girl she'd turned into in the past few seasons between breaking up with boyfriend Jacques (remember him?!) and meeting fiancé Tom D'Agostino. Like, a lot of it.

The ladies argued that Luann's jumped back on her high horse (their words, not ours) and was judging them yet again from up above, on the terrace of Tom's penthouse. Gone, they felt, are the days of "Be cool. Don't be all uncool." And while they've got a point, we'd like to posit a different theory: Luann isn't feeling her Countess oats all over again. No, instead, Luann's become that girl we've all had in our group of friends who meets a guy and, suddenly, nothing and no one else matters. You know the one. She's the girl who's found her soulmate in under a week. The girl who suddenly can't be bothered to talk about anything else but her guy. The girl who has no need for friends because she's got a man at home who loves her. Sound familiar yet?

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Don't take our word for it, though. Allow Luann's words and actions to speak for themselves. We'd been seeing shades of this behavior the past few weeks, most notably during that nutty drinks meeting with Bethenny Frankel where Lu spun in like a whirling dervish, exclaiming she'd met her soulmate while not letting Bethenny get a word in edgewise, cutting off each attempt with "Let me just say this because I'm so happy..." or some such variation. As quickly as she'd flown in, she twirled on out, rambling about needing to get to a Tommy Tune concert with Tom, leaving Bethenny in a stunned daze. It was quite a sight.

But that was nothing, a mere amuse-bouche, compared to Lu's sustained behavior this week. It had all the hallmark trappings of that girl behavior.

There was the not wanting to do anything if her man isn't around: "Tom's not here and I just feel like getting under my covers."

The certainty that everyone was just jealous of her: "I think they can not stand that I've found my soulmate and that I'm truly happy and in love. i think it pisses them off. There's a certain amount of, ‘Humph! That should be me.'"

The justification for falling off the face of the earth as far as her friends are concerned: "I'm not alienating myself from the group. I've fallen in love."

The trying way too hard to prove she doesn't care about Tom's eyebrow-raising Real Housewives history: "Anything that happened before Lu, I don't give a flying leap. Guess what? Nothing you can say, any of you, nothing you can say can change my mind about this guy. We have a real relationship and we're getting married. That's the real deal. So I don't care who f--ked who. I don't care!"

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The wailing over why her friends just can't be happy for her: "It pisses me off because when you're here and you're feeling great and you're in love, everybody tries to rip you down. Can you not be happy for me? All my friends are happy for me except for you bitches. Why?!"

And, lastly, the going when the going gets tough: "I can't. I don't feel well and Tom is coming back, so I'm just gonna go!"

Look, we don't begrudge Luann's happiness any more than any of her co-stars and friends. We're fans of love around here. All we're saying is Lu's been laying it on a little thick as of late. But this isn't Luann the Countess. This is Luann the lovesick schoolgirl. And, frankly, we're not sure which is worse.

What do you think about Luann's behavior since meeting Tom? Sound off in the comments below.

The Real Housewives of New York City airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. on Bravo.

(E! and Bravo are both part of the NBCUniversal family.)

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