This Theory About The Incredibles Might Prove Why Disney Waited So Long to Release a Sequel

When a line from the movie actually happens in real life, that's not a coincidence

By Jenna Mullins Jun 22, 2016 9:22 PMTags
The IncrediblesDisney

We understand that you might have seen the headline and were hesitant to click in because the last time we talked about a theory regarding The Incredibles, it was really dark and sad. We promise this one is cool, and not just horribly depressing! Pinkie swear!

So the sequel to the 2004 Pixar movie is coming out in 2019, which seems really far away. But when you consider that fans of The Incredibles have been waiting since the early 2000s for a followup film, another 3 years shouldn't hurt. 

Just kidding, it will hurt. It will hurt until we are sitting in our theater seats finally watching The Incredibles in action again.  

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Tumblr user sophicals had a pretty stunning realization after Disney announced the release year for The Incredibles 2, and it might explain why it's taken so long to get a second film.

In the first movie, the villain Syndrome (aka Buddy) has captured Mr. Incredible and told him that he has a missile aimed at this family. Mr. Incredible tells him he'll do anything to keep his family safe, and Syndrome tells him:

"Too late! 15 years too late!"

Syndrome is referencing how Mr. Incredible blew the fanboy off 15 years ago, and now he's too bitter to do anything but destroy the superhero's life. How does this connect with the second film?

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Because when The Incredibles 2 is released in 2019, there will be 15 years between the first film and second one. Coincidence?!

With those clever little minxes at Disney, we would guess they've planned all this out so that the storyline in the sequel somehow ties in with the 15-year timeline. Syndrome got revenge 15 years after Mr. Incredible dissed him. And now 15 years after The Incredibles, perhaps another villain will do the same in the sequel? Maybe Syndrome has a long lost sister? Or child? Or dog?! We'd totally watch a Pixar film about a super villain dog.


This all could be a crazy coincidence, but we think it's more exciting to think Disney planned all of this in 2004 and that the 15 year gap between Syndrome's childhood and his revenge scheme and the 15 year gap between the first and second movie will be related somehow.

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