
Sorry, Legends of Tomorrow's Captain Canary Is Officially Over (and Caity Lotz Is Heartbroken)

Exclusive: CW star opens up about her character's "heartbreaking" loss

By Tierney Bricker, Jean Bentley May 19, 2016 7:36 PMTags
Watch: "Legends of Tomorrow" Star Caity Lotz Talks Captain Canary

Caity Lotz is just as upset as you are, Captain Canary shippers, that Wentworth Miller's character was killed off of Legends of Tomorrow last week just as their characters' relationship was heating up.

"It's heartbreaking," she tells E! News on the red carpet of the CW's Upfront presentation Thursday morning. "I love their love story."

While the attraction between Captain Cold and Black Canary wasn't initially scripted, it's something she and Miller had fun playing with throughout the first season of their DC Comics show. "It just happened kind of naturally. Wentworth and I had talked about it a little bit. He would do little things in the scene, like lean in. It's not written in there," Lotz explains. "After a while I think she was like, 'I guess he's kind of cute.' Because he's edgy and kind of a bad boy so I feel like she was like, 'Alright, I can see this.'"

But although Leonard Snart is dead, that doesn't mean you've seen the last of him on Legends (or any other DC show on the CW, either). The whole premise of Legends is that they jump around through time, after all.

Is Captain Canary Over Before It Happens on Legends of Tomorrow?
The CW

"We're going to miss having him on the show every single day but I'm sure we're still going to see a lot of him," Lotz said.

Before you start having false hope that there is hope for the couple after all, know this: "He's dead. He died. Definitely, he died. But I died, how many times did I die? So you're never fully dead on the show."

In tonight's finale, Sara Lance loses another person close to her—tonight's the night she finds out about the death of her sister, Laurel (who turned out to be the mysterious death they teased on Arrow all season).

"Big bomb drop for Sara—she finds out about Laurel so that's kind of the big one for her in that episode," Lotz says. "It's wild and crazy."

Fortunately, though, we will see some closure by the end of the episode. "It's a nice little wrap-up—and it does really wrap up," Lotz promises. "It doesn't end like, 'Oh my God, what's going to happen?' We take all the pieces and really finish it up for the audience so they can feel satisfied and ready to start something new for season two ."

The Legends of Tomorrow season finale airs Thursday at 8 p.m. on the CW.

Watch Lotz dish on Captain Canary above, and watch Victor Garber and Brandon Routh spill finale secrets in the video below!

Watch: "Legends of Tomorrow" Stars Tease Major Losses in Finale
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