How Will The Good Wife End? If We Had Our Way...

E!'s TV Scoop team share their ideal endings for the CBS drama

By TV Scoop Team May 06, 2016 7:30 PMTags
The Good Wife, Julianna Margulies, Carrie Preston, Cush Jumbo, Christine BaranskiCBS

Series finales are a fickle beast. There is no surefire way to please every single viewers, and in today's age of social media, TV writers are sure going to hear how they botched the perfect ending. Will that happen for The Good Wife?

The cast told E! News they were pleased with the ending and Julianna Margulies previously teased it is "controversial." What's going to happen? Aside from a Josh Charles cameo rumor, everything is being kept under wraps. However, as loyal viewers who have spent seven years following the education of Alicia Florrick, E! News' TV Scoop team has more than a few ideal endings.

Tierney Bricker: I've actually struggled with how I want Alicia's journey to end ever since Will's death, which I am still recovering from. Part of me thinks she's just going to live in this weird marital purgatory with Peter, forever playing the good wife, while another thinks she might just say "screw it all" and run away with Jason, with nothing but her wine collection in tow. But I think it'll be neither of those options: She's going to divorce Peter and tell Jason she won't run away with him but is cool to be together until he needs to cut and run, content to continue kicking ass and taking names at work with an criminally under-used Diane and introduced-too-late Lucca by her side. I envision the last scene of the series like this: Alicia comes home, happy to have the place to herself, and pours herself a glass of wine…before turning on the TV only to see herself on the news and she'll finally learn that Peter rigged her election win after all, just as her cell phone goes off, receiving a text message from a mysterious number saying they need to talk. (Could it be Kalinda?) The more things change…

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Chris Harnick: Ideally, I want Alicia to be content with everything. Work, home—everything. I've never really cared about who she was sleeping with—she doesn't need a man, let's be real—but she needs a divorce stat. She's no longer the good wife once The Good Wife ends. It's easy to see her running away with Jason, but since the whole splitting of the firm and then striking out on her own business, I've wanted the show to end with Alicia just looking around at what she's built, what she's accomplished, and life continues to go on. Sort of like the ER ending. The firm phones are ringing and there's hustle and bustle as the camera pulls out. Alternative ending: Alicia doesn't go away with Jason, she divorces Peter and is at the bar. The camera pans around and is at her back now (make sure that wig is looking tight!) and it starts moving down when the chair to her left is pulled out by a woman in intense boots (yes, those boots). Cut to black.
Jean Bentley: OBVIOUSLY I want a green-screen reunion between Alicia and Kalinda where they hop on a motorcycle and drive into the sunset together. Just kidding. In reality, I kind of want Alicia to leave Chicago with that silver fox Jason Crouse and build a new life somewhere else. Chicago is not good for her mental well-being, and a fresh start could do her good. Her kids are grown, who the hell knows what's really going on at the law firm anyway, so what's holding her back? Lucca can come too, because she's great.

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Billy Nilles: Fed up with Chicago and the ghosts of her old life that haunt her on every street corner, Alicia makes the decision to head out west with Lucca Quinn in tow to open up their own firm in Los Angeles. Jason comes along, but not as their investigator, just as Alicia's new love. Extending Diane's dream of an all-female firm, Lucca wants to hire a female investigator, but who? Alicia tells her, "I know of someone," as her phone rings. She looks down at the screen to see the call, smiles as if it was right on cue. The name on caller ID? Robyn Burdine. Cut to black.

The Good Wife series finale airs Sunday, May 8 at 9 p.m. on CBS.

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