Sorry Tinder Users: This New Feature Isn't Meant for Organizing Orgies

It's for the purpose of matching your squad with other squads

By Dominique Haikel Jul 21, 2016 10:24 PMTags

Update time! Tinder Social is no longer in testing mode and not just for Aussies anymore. It was just rolled out today with a few tweaks. "For this launch, we've made changes to the feature to deliver a more real-time experience. People can see who's going out tonight, what they're up to, and plan their night, easily and efficiently—all on Tinder Social," their blog notes. To use Tinder Social, it looks like you're going to have to unlock it, and, "Just remember—at noon the next day, your group expires, your matches disappear, and your Uber turns into a pumpkin." Innnnteresting. As always, happy swiping. 

Tinder is always coming up with new and classy ways to woo its users. The latest trick up their sleeve is called 'Tinder Social,' currently being tested in Australia. It appears the goal of the new feature is to introduce your #squad to other cool squads so you can all hang out for the night. Whatever you do while hanging out together is none of our business, but we can tell you the app was not created for the purpose of sexual 'group activity.' Just clearing that up right away. Don't act like your mind didn't go there too.

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What is the point of Tinder Social? The company said in a recent blog post, "Too often, your nights with friends consist of not knowing what to do, and figuring out where other interesting people you want to meet are going. But what if you can see who's going out and where they're going, before you and your friends decide where to go? What if you could break the ice and get introduced to them before you arrive?"

Fair enough, but how does it work? "To use Tinder Social, just start a group with the friends you're going out with, and then swipe and match with other groups also going out. You can then chat with your group matches or see their status to find out what they're up to and where everyone's headed." Seems simple enough to us! The app notes this will be "a better way" to socialize. Sure it sounds a little awkward, but in the name of making new friends, why not try it? 

The app notes this will be "a better way" to socialize. Sure it sounds a little awkward, but in the name of making new friends, why not try it? The feature will roll out for swipers everywhere once the test run is all ironed out. 

(Originally published [04/27/16])

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