Julianne to the Rescue: Crazy-Good Ways to Cover Up Acne

Never before heard of acne covering tricks that work like magic

By Taylor Stephan Mar 29, 2016 7:03 PMTags

It's the new trend. ??

A photo posted by Ashley Benson (@itsashbenzo) on

So your skin's not perfect. What else is new?

You might not be able to control the existence of a monster pimple or the distracting reality of all-over redness, but keep your cool. It happens to the best of us (Ashley Benson included). Worrying about acne can take over your life if you let it, but there's really no need, especially with the expertise of celeb makeup artist Julianne Kaye.

Covering up less than perfect skin is a very real reality for most of us, but rarely do we ever achieve that flawless coverage that we're aiming for. To get your coverage just right and to help you feel confident about facing the world, the industry vet has a few unexpected tricks that we're pretty sure you haven't tried yet!

To help you master the art of undetectable coverage, it's Julianne to the rescue!


Use Green to Cancel Out Redness: To neutralize a red and inflamed face, start by laying down a thin coat of green concealer, like Make Up For Ever's Camouflage Cream Pot, before starting with your usual foundation, explained the pro. "If you have any type of redness, the green will immediately lift the color up," she shared. To spot treat isolated, bigger pimples, simply pat the area with the green color. "The trick for spot treatment is to pat it, not brush it, so that the color stays put," elaborated Julianne. Once redness is canceled, finish your look as usual. 



Calm Cystic Acne With Eye Drops: If you have cystic acne and need to wear makeup, prepping the area first is the key. "To dry out and calm a spot, Visine is a great trick," divulged the celeb expert. Just dab the area with a redness-relief formula and let it dry, she explained. You will immediately notice a difference in redness, and the best part is that it keeps working throughout the day," she explained. To apply makeup, powder the pimple first to seal the eye drops and follow up with concealer, as normal, for undetectable coverage.


Zap Oil With This Over-the-Counter Formula: For acneic skin, especially the type that tends to be oily, use milk of magnesia in the place of a makeup primer, recommended Julianne. Even though it sounds a little crazy, she swears that it really works to wick sweat and zero out oily skin all day long. (Not to mention, a few A-list stars who shall not be named use it before hitting the stage, said the celeb makeup artist.) "Just be sure that you are painting it on a dry face, avoiding the eye area and applying the same way you would a face mask," she instructed. Once it's completely dry, buff out the whiteness with a brush and apply foundation over top as you usually do. 

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