Top 10 Entrepreneurs to Follow in 2024

These visionaries leverage technology and innovation to not only advance their industries but also to impact society positively.

By Tom White with APG Mar 08, 2024 2:00 PMTags
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As 2024 unfolds, we turn our focus to a group of trailblazing entrepreneurs revolutionizing fields ranging from veteran support and combat sports to luxury watch trading. These visionaries leverage technology and innovation to not only advance their industries but also to impact society positively. Their endeavors highlight a new era of entrepreneurship where success is measured not just in profits, but in the significant societal contributions they make. Through their stories, we're invited to glimpse the future of business—a landscape where making a difference is the true hallmark of achievement.

Eric Louis Power

Eric Louis Power is a U.S. Navy veteran, a USA Today and Wall Street Journal best-selling author, and also has a Las Vegas Star of Fame. Power has made it his mission to help military veterans and their families achieve a better quality of life. After serving in several operations including Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom, Power applied his experiences and knowledge to establish a company in 2015 dedicated to assisting veterans in obtaining their VA disability benefits. His company has since redirected over $15 million per month from the VA back to deserving veterans, and has helped over 17,000 individuals since its inception.

Eric is currently working on his second solo book which is sure to be another national bestseller dedicated to helping military men and women navigate the difficulties of life they face after their personal service time.

Eric Louis Power is also building a network and chain of coffee shops, restaurants and bars over the next one to two years in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Eric will also be building a local place where people can go and eat with no charge three times a day until the food runs out, serving the locals and honoring the people of Vietnam. His goal is to establish his name as a powerful venture capitalist and build a future for his children.

As an entrepreneur, author, speaker, and humanitarian, Eric Louis Power continues to inspire and support those around him. His dedication to helping veterans, building businesses, and promoting innovative healthcare solutions sets him apart in today's fast-paced world. To keep up with Eric's latest endeavors, follow him on Instagram @eric.l.power and visit his website at

David Feldman

David Feldman

David Feldman is at the forefront of revolutionizing the combat sports landscape, reintroducing the ancient practice of bare-knuckle boxing to the contemporary arena with a fresh, dynamic approach. Hailing from a lineage deeply embedded in the boxing world of Philadelphia, Feldman was steeped in the sport from a tender age, mentored by his father, Marty Feldman, a celebrated trainer and promoter. This rich familial heritage did more than ignite his passion; it honed his prowess as a fighter and later, as an organizer of events that pay homage to Philadelphia's storied boxing legacy.

Taking a leap beyond traditional boxing events, Feldman was driven by a groundbreaking vision to resurrect bare-knuckle fighting, a discipline that had lain dormant for more than a century. In 2018, this vision was actualized through the inauguration of the Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship (BKFC), the first sanctioned bare-knuckle fighting event in the United States since the ban. Feldman's journey to establish BKFC was fraught with challenges, from skepticism to regulatory hurdles, yet his perseverance established the championship as a formidable entity in the realm of combat sports, earning accolades from the boxing community.

Under his stewardship, BKFC has experienced meteoric growth, evidenced by achieving 100 percent year-over-year growth in revenue. Looking ahead to 2024, the championship is expected to triple its revenue, with plans to host 42 events across nine countries, including the United Kingdom, Thailand, Bulgaria, Canada, Africa and Mexico. This ambitious expansion has attracted significant investment interest, particularly from the Middle East, and garnered attention from celebrities, elevating BKFC's profile in the competitive sports industry. Feldman's strategic direction is also steering BKFC towards new ventures, such as reality television, reflecting his ambition to integrate bare-knuckle boxing into the fabric of mainstream entertainment.

David Feldman's impact on combat sports transcends his entrepreneurial acumen; it is rooted in a genuine love for the sport, a legacy of his family's boxing tradition. His transition from a dedicated boxing enthusiast in Philadelphia to a visionary redefining a historical sport demonstrates a tireless commitment to innovation, grounded in a deep respect for the sport's heritage. Feldman's hands-on experience in combat sports lends a layer of authenticity and insight to his promotional efforts, underscored by a steadfast focus on the safety of fighters and the integrity of the sport.

For updates on David Feldman and the Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship, follow him on social media or visit the official BKFC website.

Moshe Haimoff

Moshe Haimoff

Moshe Haimoff, the Watch King of New York City, is a titan in the luxury watch market, known for his global escapades in buying and selling watches worth millions. His Instagram, @thewatchkingnyc, boasts 1.4 million followers, who are treated to a glimpse of Moshe's expertise in watch wholesaling, spotting counterfeit pieces and understanding market trends. His journey from a diamond business to becoming a luxury watch wholesaler highlights his knack for seizing opportunities and his passion for timepieces.

Moshe's venture into watches started about 15 years ago, when a simple eBay flip turned into a full-time commitment. Transitioning from diamonds to watches, he found a niche in offering wholesale prices directly to the public, disrupting traditional luxury retail norms. Haimoff's knack for business is evident in his strategy to navigate the industry, ensuring instant payment over traditional credit terms, and his ability to adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing market.

Beyond the glitz of luxury watches, Moshe's story is one of ambition, vision and relentless pursuit. He aims to expand Thewatchkingnyc into a household name, synonymous with quality and transparency. His dedication to demystifying luxury watch buying and selling has not only earned him the title of the Watch King but also the trust and admiration of a global audience.

For an insider look at the world of luxury watches through the eyes of a master, follow Moshe Haimoff on Instagram at @thewatchkingnyc, TikTok and YouTube. Whether you're a seasoned collector or a curious enthusiast, Moshe's journey offers a rare blend of luxury, entrepreneurship, and the thrill of the chase.

Kris Fade

Kris Fade

Kris Fade, the dynamic force behind Dubai's favorite radio show The Kris Fade Show, has transcended his role as a radio personality to become a trailblazer in entrepreneurship with his innovative venture, Fade Fit. Famed for his vibrant energy and ability to captivate an audience, Fade has not only conquered the airwaves but also the competitive world of business. His journey from the microphone to marketplace leadership illustrates a remarkable transformation, driven by a personal quest for health and wellness. Fade Fit stands as a testament to his dedication, emerging as a leading healthier snack brand that's redefining the way we think about indulgence and nutrition.

With a vision that transcends borders, Fade Fit is rapidly becoming a global sensation, aiming to secure its position among the top 10 healthier snack companies worldwide within the next two to five years. The inception of Fade Fit was inspired by Kris's own health transformation—a journey from battling anxiety and depression through fitness and nutrition, to losing 55 pounds and regaining control over his life. This profound personal experience fueled his mission to create snacks that not only taste great but also support a healthy lifestyle, ensuring that no one has to compromise on flavor for nutrition. Despite its success and growing influence, Fade Fit remained a deeply personal project for Kris. In 2023, he reportedly declined an offer of approximately $10 million for an early buyout of Fade Fit, a decision that underscores his commitment to the brand and its potential to make a significant impact on health and wellness globally.

As Fade Fit continues to expand its footprint across the Middle East, Europe and soon Australia and the U.S., its commitment to quality, sustainability, and community wellness remains unwavering. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast, a busy parent or simply someone who values health without sacrificing taste, Fade Fit offers something for everyone. Join the movement towards a healthier, happier lifestyle by following Kris Fade's journey on social media @krisfade and @fadefit.

Jason Wojo

Jason Wojo

Jason Wojo, as the CEO of Wojo Media, has redefined the digital advertising landscape. His visionary approach has led to an impressive $122 million in client revenue, marking Wojo Media as a powerhouse in the industry. Wojo's keen understanding of digital marketing dynamics and strategic innovation has been instrumental in the agency's meteoric rise.

One of Jason's standout achievements is the creation of Scale Your Ads, acclaimed as the world's premier ad in-person event. Attracting over 1,800 attendees monthly, this event highlights Jason's dedication to fostering community and sharing expertise within the digital marketing realm. It's a testament to his leadership and Wojo Media's growing influence in the field.

Under Jason's guidance, Wojo Media is not just a successful business entity but a hub for groundbreaking community initiatives. The agency serves as an exemplar for digital marketers and entrepreneurs worldwide, blending financial achievement with community-driven innovation.

For insights into the cutting-edge strategies powering Wojo Media, or to explore the dynamic world of digital advertising, visit Wojo Media's website or connect with Jason Wojo on Instagram @thejasonwojo.

Jeremy Yost

Jeremy Yost

Jeremy Yost stands as a beacon of innovation and dedication in the realm of real estate development and management. With over 15 years of rich experience, his professional narrative weaves through the tapestry of not just building spaces but nurturing community and personal growth. A Navy veteran, Yost's discipline and resilience shine through his work, augmented by the strategic acumen an MBA affords. Beyond real estate, his passions for functional bodybuilding and CrossFit led to co-founding Savage Rep Fitness, a testament to his commitment to excellence across fields. As a member of the Young Presidents' Organization, Yost's leadership journey is also about connection and learning from global business leaders.

Yost Enterprises, under Jeremy's guidance, has become a crucible of dynamic industry leadership, spanning multifamily real estate projects, supportive housing, hotel and convention center developments, and ventures into the vending business. Recently, Savage Rep Fitness has marked Yost's entry into the sports apparel industry, further showcasing his versatility and entrepreneurial spirit. Each venture reflects his vision to innovate, impact, and inspire.

Inspired by figures like his father, John Budslick, and George Dinges, Jeremy's motivation in business is deeply personal, driven by a legacy of entrepreneurship, strategy, and community contribution. Looking forward, Yost sets ambitious goals: exceeding $30 million in construction projects, expanding his property management portfolio by over 500 units, and pushing Savage Rep Fitness beyond $100,000 in sales. These plans are not just growth metrics but signify his commitment to community development and redefining industry standards.

For those interested in learning more about Jeremy Yost's journey or exploring potential collaborations, visit Yost Management. Follow his professional and fitness endeavors on Instagram @jeremyryost and @savagerepfitness.

Marcus Crenshaw

Marcus Crenshaw

Marcus Crenshaw stands out in the sports industry as a forward-thinking entrepreneur, having made significant strides with The Fam Empire LLC and All N Sports LLC. His journey began with founding Hoop Cred in 2014, focusing on marketing for WNBA players, a novel concept at the time. The success of his next venture, She Hoops Network, led to its acquisition by Overtime, showcasing his ability to create and scale impactful initiatives in sports.

In 2020, Marcus established The Fam Agency, quickly turning it into a globally recognized sports agency. With over 70 professional athletes signed in just three years, the agency has established a reputation for effectively negotiating lucrative contracts for athletes, as well as securing significant brand partnerships. Marcus didn't stop there; in 2023, he launched All N Sports, merging several media outlets to form a comprehensive sports media platform, All N Hoopz, which has already amassed over a million followers on Instagram.

Marcus's transition from a professional basketball player overseas to a CEO has been driven by a clear vision and a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Marcus espouses a team-oriented approach to success, recognizing the importance of talented individuals in managing and growing a company. Brandon Ward, VP of Fam Sports, and Harshal Sharma, head of social media at All N Hoopz, both operate at a high level and play a huge part in each company's success. His approach emphasizes the importance of talent and autonomy within his companies, ensuring growth and innovation.

The future looks bright for Marcus and his ventures. He plans to expand The Fam Agency's roster and grow All N Hoopz into a leading sports media outlet. His advice to budding entrepreneurs is straightforward: know your strengths, start before you feel ready, and embrace the process of growth and learning.

To get the latest updates on Marcus' ventures and insights into his entrepreneurial journey, follow him on Instagram @coolestceo.

Megann Robinson

Megann Robinson

Megann Robinson, a 22-year-old mindset coach and the CEO and founder of Paragon of Mind, is revolutionizing the way women approach personal growth. With a unique blend of cognitive behavioral therapy, applied behavior analysis, and what she terms "self-image psychology," Robinson offers a science-based methodology to help individuals rewire their subconscious and foster habits that resonate with their ideal selves. Her popular podcast, Lessons in Self-Love, extends her philosophy to listeners worldwide, providing actionable insights for those on a journey toward self-betterment.

Paragon of Mind stands at the forefront of personal transformation, embodying Robinson's vision of utilizing neuroplasticity and aligning behaviors with one's future self. Her expertise in applied behavior analysis not only sets her apart in the habit-building arena but also empowers women to dismantle limiting beliefs and undergo rapid identity transformations. Through techniques that leverage the theta brain wave state, Robinson's clients experience profound changes, materializing new realities and states of being that were once thought unattainable. This innovative approach underscores Robinson's commitment to not just changing lives but revolutionizing how individuals perceive and interact with their subconscious minds.

Robinson's journey began with a personal challenge; a fight against fear and a quest for growth that was fueled by the desire to escape stagnation and dependency. Armed with an unwavering belief in her message, she founded Paragon of Mind to share her insights in a manner that is both authentic and impactful. Looking ahead, Robinson envisions her brand as a beacon for self-love and transformation, guiding individuals through the trials of modern life and leading them toward a state of abundance and purpose. For those inspired by Robinson's journey and philosophy, engaging with her work can be the first step toward a life reimagined. Follow her on Instagram @megrobbyy, visit for coaching opportunities, and tune into Lessons in Self-Love to begin your journey to becoming your dream self.

Michael Melicia

Michael Melicia

Michael Melicia is the driving force behind Coastal Paving & Excavating Inc., a name that's reshaping the civil construction landscape in Monterey County, Calif. Starting with just $500 and a vision at 19, he has transformed personal challenges into professional triumphs, building a multifaceted business empire that spans civil construction, property management and carpet cleaning services.

His journey from overcoming adversity to becoming a successful CEO showcases a blend of resilience, strategic thinking and a knack for creating opportunities. Under his leadership, Coastal Paving & Excavating has become a key player in the industry, known for its quality work and commitment to excellence. Michael's entrepreneurial spirit doesn't stop at construction; he's also made significant strides in real estate and other ventures, proving his versatility and business acumen.

What sets Michael apart is his approach to leadership and company culture. He values empathy, teamwork and a sense of community, fostering an environment where employees feel like family. His commitment to giving back, particularly in supporting youth mental health, reflects his understanding of his broader impact on society.

Michael's future goals include elevating his personal brand and inspiring others with his story of resilience and success. He's living proof that with the right mindset, anyone can overcome their circumstances and achieve great things.

Stay updated on Michael's journey and connect with him for insights on entrepreneurship and making an impact. Visit or follow him on social media @MichaelAMelicia.

Jessica Wolf

Jessica Wolf

Jessica Wolf is making waves in Miami's real estate scene as a top 20 producer at Luxe Properties, a distinction that sets her apart in a competitive field of 700 agents. Her journey is one of passion, dedication, and an unyielding commitment to her clients and community. Born and raised in Miami Beach by a single father, Jessica's Cuban-Colombian heritage and her deep connection to Miami have shaped her into the dynamic real estate professional she is today. Beyond her impressive track record, Jessica is also an active member of the YPN Young Professionals Network, further demonstrating her commitment to excellence and leadership in her field.

At Luxe Properties, Jessica has not only excelled in her career but has also become a vital part of Miami's vibrant real estate landscape. Her love for travel, food and family fuels her drive to find the perfect properties for her clients, blending her personal interests with her professional expertise. Jessica's approach to real estate is characterized by her desire to cater to every client, regardless of their price point. This inclusive philosophy, coupled with her dedication to transparency and excellence, sets her apart in a competitive industry.

Jessica's passion for real estate is matched by her love for exploring Miami's dynamic culinary and business scenes. She offers investors more than just property advice, guiding them to embrace Miami's tropical lifestyle through restaurants, clubs, unique tastings and exclusive events. This holistic approach ensures her clients enjoy the full spectrum of Miami living.

Jessica's achievements extend beyond her impressive sales record. Being highlighted in Ocean Drive magazine as a dynamic woman in Miami and having her properties showcased to a wide online audience have established her as a go-to realtor in the city. These accomplishments speak volumes about her influence and the trust she has built with her clients.

Looking forward, Jessica envisions continued growth and success, with plans to expand her team and deepen her impact within Luxe Properties. Her commitment to her clients and her community remains unwavering, promising a real estate experience grounded in expertise, integrity, and a personal touch.

To discover more about Jessica's journey and the opportunities she offers in Miami real estate, follow her on Instagram and Zillow.

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