Dr. Meleeka Clary's Three Corners of Deception Now Available on Prime Video and IMDb

The independent film's poignant themes captivate viewers, exploring a tale of love, manipulation, and the complexities of the U.S. justice system.

By Tom White with APG Nov 08, 2023 2:00 PMTags
Paid Content Ascend Agency Meleeka ClaryMeleeka Clary


Dr. Meleeka Clary's Three Corners of Deception has made its much-anticipated debut on Prime Video and IMDb. The independent film's poignant themes captivate viewers, exploring a tale of love, manipulation, and the complexities of the U.S. justice system. With an impressive IMDb rating, it is a must-watch for those seeking an eye-opening cinematic experience.

The plot revolves around a college law professor and an attorney who, after falling in love during Memorial Day weekend in Las Vegas, embark on a whirlwind romance leading to marriage. However, as the story unfolds, it becomes apparent that the attorney's true identity is not what it seems. Their union quickly unravels, resulting in a legal battle filled with unexpected twists and exposing judicial deception involving the "good ol' boy network" of judges, lawyers, and law enforcement.

Three Corners of Deception sparks vital discussion about trust, betrayal, and the relentless pursuit of justice. Dr. Clary's debut film is a testament to her dedication and passion for storytelling. Her journey from clinical psychologist and paralegal to director and actress has taken her down a path of immense societal impact. Additionally, Dr. Clary's content on YouTube serves as a vehicle to shed light on the intricate and often deceptive aspects of the judicial system, empowering individuals with knowledge and inspiring positive change.

Throughout her career, Dr. Clary demonstrated a deep commitment to making an uplifting impact on the lives of others. Her career began as an office manager in 1998, eventually leading her to work as a compassionate counselor at the Hilderbrand Shelter and Inn Transition Shelter in 2001. Here, she supported domestic violence victims, individuals battling addiction, and those affected by HIV. Three Corners of Deception is a testament to Dr. Clary's continued resilience and commitment to using her own experiences as fuel to champion others.

Despite her challenges during production, Dr. Clary's devotion to telling the story remained unwavering. In a world that often underestimates independent films, she persevered, completing her movie. Dr. Clary believes it is time for people to change their perspective on independent films, recognizing that these movies are just as valuable in storytelling and creative expression.

The impact of Three Corners of Deception has not gone unnoticed. Dr. Meleeka Clary was honored with the Best Human Rights Director award at the Toronto International Women's Film Festival. The film achieved prestigious Berlin International Art Film Festival screenings and secured a Bronze award at the International Independent Film Festival. Dr. Clary's directorial skills were also celebrated at the Red River Film Festival, where she received distinguished recognition for her work.

Dr. Meleeka Clary's journey persists as she strives to help individuals learn how to love themselves and, in turn, love others through positive psychology. Her upcoming show, The Dr. Meleeka Clary Show on Bold Brave TV, is poised to contribute to this endeavor.

Three Corners of Deception is an unforgettable cinematic experience, resonating with audiences and critics alike. The film's availability on Prime Video and IMDb ensures that its stirring storytelling reaches a broad audience encouraged to explore the world of justice, love, and the human experience.

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