Collin Gosselin Speaks Out About Life at Home With Mom Kate Gosselin Before Estrangement

Kate Gosselin's estranged son Collin is speaking out about their past relationship, while his sister Hannah Gosselin, who lives with him and dad Jon Gosselin, also weighed in on their upbringing.

By Corinne Heller Jul 09, 2023 4:33 PMTags
Watch: Collin Gosselin Says Mom Kate Took 'Her Anger' Out on Him

Collin Gosselin continues to speak out about the events that help lead to his estrangement from mother Kate Gosselin.

The 19-year-old, who starred with her, his dad and her ex-husband Jon Gosselin, his sextuplet siblings and his twin sisters on the TLC reality show Jon & Kate Plus 8 when he was a child, spoke about a turbulent time in his childhood—when his parents split.

"I know my mother was going through a lot of things. I mean, a divorce, and plenty of different things that can't be easy to go through," Collin told VICE TV in an excerpt of its upcoming series Dark Side of the 2000s that was shared on its Twitter page July 7. "And, you know, I want to think that she needed someone to take out her anger and frustration on, and it was just kind of me. I was in the way and I was there. So, she chose me."

E! News has reached out to Kate's rep for comment and has not heard back.

Jon and Kate Gosselin's Kids Through the Years

She and her ex-husband divorced in 2010, after which she and their eight kids starred in the newly named Kate Plus 8 reality series, which ended in 2017. One of the former couple's other sextuplets, Hannah Gosselin, moved in with Jon, and in 2018, he obtained sole custody of Collin, who came to live with him after being enrolled in an out-of-home institution by his mom to address what she told People in 2016 were "educational and social challenges" that impacted their "entire family."

Getty Images / Instagram

In his interview with VICE TV, Collin said, "I'm not going to say I was a perfect child. But I'd say my misbehaving was no different than from my siblings."

Hannah also talked to the outlet about her and Collin's childhood. "He would be separated from us," she said. "Like, he would not get to come and play outside with us. He would eat dinner at different times than us."

She continued, "I don't think effort was made in the home to help him learn what behavior is acceptable and what behavior is not acceptable."

Instagram / Collin Gosselin

Collin had told Entertainment Tonight in 2022 that after he left his last institution and went to go live with the siblings' dad, he "didn't have a relationship" with their mom. "Even before then, I don't think we had much of a relationship," he said about Kate, "and I think that just kept tearing it even more down so."

Collin also told the outlet that he thinks being on TV "tore us apart," adding, "It gave us less time to actually be together as a family, [and] more time to be in the public eye."

Last month, Collin, Hannah and their other four sextuplet siblings graduated high school. Both of their parents attended their ceremony.

"We saw each other, but there was a whole football field between us," Jon told People. "I talked to Hannah and Collin before graduation to make sure that it was gonna be cordial."

Collin later revealed his plans for the future, saying he's enlisting in the military.

"Next stop Parris Island," he wrote on Instagram, referring to the site of the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, "and soon after I will be studying Mechanical and Industrial Engineering in college! Can't wait!!!"

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