MrBeast YouTuber Chris Tyson Reflects on 26 Years of Hiding Their "True Self" in Birthday Message

YouTuber Chris Tyson, who often appears in MrBeast videos, shared a moving birthday message about living as their authentic self a few months after starting hormone replacement therapy.

By Hayley Santaflorentina Jul 05, 2023 4:17 PMTags
Watch: MrBeast YouTuber Chris Tyson Undergoes Hormone Replacement Therapy

Chris Tyson is celebrating a new year as their authentic self. 

The YouTuber—who often appears in videos with childhood friend Jimmy "MrBeast" Donaldson—took a moment to reflect on their birthday this year, noting how the special day feels different from years prior. 

"I always used to hate my birthday," Chris tweeted from their personal account on July 1. "This is one of the first years in a while I woke up excited to celebrate. Here's to 26 years of hiding my true self!! 27 feels so good."

The content creator first opened up about starting hormone replacement therapy (HRT) back in April, explaining at the time that they were a few months into their journey.

"Informed consent HRT saved my and many others' lives," Chris shared on Twitter. "The hurdles [gender non-conforming] people have to jump through to get life-saving gender-affirming healthcare in a 1st world country is wild to me. Just let people make informed decisions about their own bodies."

MrBeast was also sure to show his longtime friend some love, responding to Chris's HRT announcement with three heart emojis alongside the word, "Gotchu."

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In a follow-up note, Chris also shared that even after just two months on HRT, their "hairline and facial has already started to change." And as they explained, these changes have had a profound impact on the way they view their body, adding, "The amount of body positivity I've gotten in just 2 months is insane."

Twitter / Chris Tyson

Chris also took a moment to reflect on their relationship with their 2-year-old son Tucker

"If I didn't have this little nugget I'd never have gotten this far," they tweeted alongside a photo with Tucker. "He's taught me so much about myself in such a short time. I can't wait to learn through life together."

Chris also expanded on the ways their son has helped inspire them to make these changes and live authentically on their verified account.

"I know I'm going to be a great parent, and so is every other person who puts the love of their child before everything," they tweeted April 6. "I made this decision because I wanted to show up as my best and happiest self for him. In a way, this way FOR Tucker."

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