Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Daughter Lilibet Christened in California: All the Royal Details

Ahead of Lilibet Diana's 2nd birthday, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's daughter was christened in Southern California—with godfather Tyler Perry in attendance.

By Jess Cohen Mar 08, 2023 1:40 PMTags
Watch: Prince Harry And Meghan Markle's Daughter Lilibet Christened In California

A ceremony fit for a princess.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's daughter Lilibet Diana was recently christened during a small ceremony at the family's house in Montecito, Calif.

"I can confirm that Princess Lilibet Diana was christened on Friday, March 3," a rep for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex confirmed to E! News, "by the Archbishop of Los Angeles, the Rev John Taylor."

A source familiar with the matter also told E! News that Prince WilliamKate MiddletonKing Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla were invited to the intimate ceremony but did not make the journey to Southern California.

E! News has reached out to the Palace regarding the extended invitation but has not yet heard back. The offer would come as Harry and Meghan—who stepped back as senior royals in 2020—make the decision on whether to attend Charles' coronation in May.

According to People, guests in attendance at the Lilibet's christening did include her old brother Archie Harrison, grandmother Doria Ragland, the 21-month-old's godfather, Tyler Perry, as well as and an "unnamed godmother."

As Netflix viewers may recall, Tyler previously addressed his godfather status on an episode of the docuseries Harry & Meghan.

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Reflecting on the call he received from the couple, the filmmaker said, "They were pretty serious on the phone. I go, 'OK, what's going on?' They said, 'Well, we'd like for you to be Lili's godfather.' I go, 'Whoa.' I take a minute to take that in. And I thought, ‘I'd be honored. I'd be absolutely honored.'"

Courtesy of Prince Harry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex; Netflix

"I got off the phone, took it all in and then called them back," he continued. "I go, 'Uh, hold on a second. Does this mean we got to go over there and do all of that in the church with them and figure all that out? I don't want to do that. Maybe we can do a little private ceremony here and let that be that and if you have to do it there, then that's okay.'"

And a private ceremony it was. 

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