Jadore Fancy: From Humble Beginnings to Becoming a Household Name Across the U.S.

While modelling for a clothing line, Jadore Fancy hit upon the idea of starting her own clothing business.

By Digital Nod Oct 24, 2022 4:00 PMTags
E-Comm: Ascend Agency Articles, Paid Content


Who doesn't like to look fashionable and win over admirers? Young girls like stylish buoyant companies as much as making their fashion statement. Whether on school prom night, at a social function, or attending work, young girls of all ages are super-conscious about how they look. So, they are intuitively excited about shopping for new clothes to facelift their persona. Such is Jadore Fancy's penchant for fashion that her attractive collection has become a household name across the US. 

Jadore Fancy had a tough life when she started as a sales executive in a host of retail clothing stores. "I enjoyed my work but could make hardly enough to support what brought me happiness—buying clothes. Even juggling between jobs did not give me the kind of financial freedom I always aspired to have. I was always broke," recalls Jadore.

While modelling for a clothing line, Jadore Fancy hit upon the idea of starting her own clothing business. She researched thoroughly to find out all nodes like vendors, marketers and everything about the supply chain. She would contact the vendor, choose her unique materials and resell them online. "Once my collection began resonating with the trends and sentiments of the young people, I knew I must move from the warehouse model to a retail storefront. Thus, the store at Fort Lauderdale happened. An in-person experience is always unbeatable." 


Jadore would interact with young girls and observe them from close quarters. She would travel to understand the fashion culture of all different places, from Miami to California. Today, she has buyers from places all across the U.S. "My target audience is girls who fancy cute sandals and high-end purses, go to the clubs and party, and want all eyes on them. For them, my collection has to be seductive, bold and sexy. Many young girls relate to this. They not only use my products themselves but also recommend them in their circles. My mantra is: When you have the money, you can buy happiness," remarks Jadore Fancy. That sentiment indeed resonates quite well with youngsters.

Jadore Fancy is the founder & CEO of the Jadore Fancy clothing brand. Jadore Fancy has struck the right chord in every young girl's heart, and her growing clientele across the US is proof. It is for all the right reasons that she has become a household name today and is due to open stores at three more locations: Houston, Dallas and Buckhead Atlanta.  

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