Your September Horoscopes Are Here, Taurus

Get ready for a rejuvenating September with cosmic and practical guidance from celebrity-favorite tarot card reader Angie Banicki.

By Natalie Finn, Angie Banicki Aug 31, 2022 10:33 PMTags
Horoscopes: TaurusGetty Images; Melissa Herwitt/E! Illustration

Welcome to your September horoscope from Angie Banicki.

A modern mystic and explorer of the soul, Angie has become Hollywood's go-to tarot card reader, providing divine guidance and unique life-mapping skills for the celebrity set. Along the way, she's opened the minds of even the biggest skeptics with her refreshing, down-to-earth perspective on energy and spirituality.

Angie's signature taroscopes address the mind, body and spirit. Her method (incorporating tarot cards, astrology, channeling and music) goes beyond traditional horoscopes to offer heightened awareness and guidance—both cosmic and practical— for each sign.

So, crank up the songs in your tailored playlist and you'll hear the message you need and wisdom you didn't even realize you were waiting for.

Angie's insight is intended to help inform your thoughts and actions as much as you see fit, so feel free to put aside whatever doesn't call to you. But take notice of what you connect with, embrace what inspires you and let it help guide you along the way. And definitely don't forget to have fun.

Read on for your September taroscope...

These Joey Baby Zodiac Necklaces Celebrate Your Sun Sign in Style

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Influence: The Ten of Cups

Music: "Bientôt tu l'oublieras" by Jacqueline Taieb, "Oh My Heart" by R.E.M., "All I Need Is a Miracle" by Mike & The Mechanics 

Oh, your heart, Taurus!  It's working hard to let go of some of your past—and while this work is hard and can feel sad, it's the truth and it's making way for miracles. Do not be afraid to let your heart work. This may be letting go of what your parents expected from or needed of you. This may be letting go of a love that's had a hold on your heart. This may be about letting go of a career that you were convinced was your everything. This may be a deep grief that you're needing to feel before you can let go.

But it's time to leave the sensible plans, the appropriate behavior, and what you've convinced yourself is expected of you behind. Once you do, get ready to feel more passion than you could ever imagine. This passion is what miracles are made of, so don't be afraid to welcome it in, even if all that love feels overwhelming. Goodbye, society—and hello, wild humanity! Goodbye, rules. Hello, bold dares! 

Final Thought: "The wisest keeps something of the vision of a child. Though he may understand a thousand things that a child could not understand, he is always a beginner, close to the original meaning of life."  —John Macy

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