
Here's What Amber Portwood Thinks of Farrah Abraham's Arrest for Alleged Assault

By Brett Malec Jan 18, 2022 8:18 PMTags

Amber Portwood is weighing on her former Teen Mom co-star Farrah Abraham's recent arrest.

Over the weekend, E! News confirmed that Farrah was arrested on suspicion of misdemeanor assault at Hollywood club Grandmaster Recorders after allegedly slapping one of the security guards on Nov. 15. Following the alleged scuffle, the reality star denied any wrongdoing and claimed she's "tired of being maliciously battered, attacked, conspired against."

"It is terrifying and traumatizing that people attack me and I cannot even enjoy dinner as I'm the only person out of three attacked and harassed," she added. "I look forward to court, as always. This is why I'm getting a law degree to protect myself yet again from conspired attacks."

So does Portwood, who has had her own run-ins with the law, believe Farrah's claims?

"No," she stated earlier today during an exclusive interview with E! News' Daily Pop on Tuesday, Jan. 18. 

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The So, You're Crazy, Too? author continued, "I went through so much of my life way worse and if I sat there and never took responsibility for what I've done and say that everything was a set-up, I mean honestly I would just look like a fool. Nothing's a set-up. You act the way that you act and things happen. Can I say that some people might not like you? Yes, but that's not against the law."

Amber also gave an update on ex Gary Shirley and her decision to invite him to the recent Teen Mom reunion.

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"Were good. Honestly, me and Gary, we're going to fight back and forth all the time," she shared. "That's just what you do when you co-parent. Sometimes, because we have different ways that we communicate, that's why we're not together anymore. For 16 years, when you know somebody that long they know how to push your buttons, you know how to push their buttons and it's just kind of like, 'Whatever,' you know? You get over it in a couple days."

Watch our Daily Pop interview with Amber above to get more scoop on the Teen Mom reunion drama!

So, You're Crazy, Too? is available on Feb. 22 wherever books are sold.

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