Farrah Abraham Arrested After Alleged Assault at Club

Teen Mom star Farrah Abraham was arrested on suspicion of slapping a nightclub security guard following an alleged confrontation with another person. Find out what she said.

By Corinne Heller Jan 16, 2022 7:38 PMTags
Watch: Farrah Abraham Arrested for Alleged Assault at Nightclub

Teen Mom's Farrah Abraham was arrested on suspicion of misdemeanor assault at a club, while she says she herself was attacked.

According to Los Angeles Police, the Hollywood Division responded to a battery investigation near Grandmaster Recorders on Jan. 15. Security at the location was advised of a possible fight on the rooftop. According to officials, when security attempted to escort the suspect out of the location, she allegedly slapped one of the security guards.

Security called LAPD and placed the suspect under PPA arrest for battery.

Public police records obtained by E! News show Farrah was placed on a citizen's arrest just after midnight, booked on a charge of misdemeanor assault by Los Angeles Police officers and released from their custody less than two hours later. She is due in court in May. 

TMZ posted a video of a man wearing a black top and blue jeans calmly restraining Farrah on a sidewalk as she yells. She is then seen being handcuffed by police and telling them, "I did not hit anyone. I would never hit anyone." 

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Another video posted by the outlet shows Farrah standing near a squad car and calmly telling officers, "Where am I battering anyone? I did not attack or batter or hurt or injure...I don't want to be arrested. Why are you provoking me to get arrested?"

She then says, "I am not going to be provoked to be arrested" before raising her voice and saying, "I am not resisting you!"

Following news of the arrest, Farrah issued a statement to E! News while on her way to church on Sunday, Jan. 16.

"I'm tired of being maliciously battered, attacked, conspired against while having dinner at Grand Master Records. This was a private persons arrest. My lawyer is handling from here. It is terrifying and traumatizing that people attack me and I cannot even enjoy dinner as I'm the only person out of three attacked and harassed," she said. "I look forward to court, as always."

She added, "This is why I'm getting a law degree to protect myself yet again from conspired attacks."

Farrah, who was recently enrolled in Harvard Extension School, has publicly expressed her hopes of going to law school. She told TMZ in September that she has many options and that Yale University "reached out" to her. The college has not commented.

"I hope one day this world becomes a safer place for woman and people stop abusing woman in the public eye as I was the only target yet again," Farrah continued in her statement. "As prior attacks caught on camera I was held against my will and I did nothing but pay an establishment and was conspired against. It's not safe for myself to go out anymore and that is sad.

Farrah later posted an Instagram video of herself being restrained on the sidewalk, writing, "I post this as no woman or man should ever be battered, abused, conspired, ganged up on, set up, recorded, and video sold."

This is not the first time Farrah has been arrested on such a charge. In 2018, Farrah was arrested for battery after allegedly assaulting a security guard at the Beverly Hills Hotel. She initially pleaded not guilty but then entered a guilty plea to resisting, delaying or obstructing a peace officer. She was sentenced to two years of summary probation and five days of community service or labor and also was ordered to complete 12 hours of anger management.

—Reporting by Brody Brown and Meriam Bouarrouj

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