
Sneak Peek: Wiz Khalifa's Timely Advice in Dickinson Series Finale

Tick, tock. Time is running out before the exciting season finale of Dickinson. Check out this E! exclusive clip of Wiz Khalifa back in action with series star Hailee Steinfeld.

By ElizaBeth Taylor Dec 22, 2021 5:00 PMTags

Death came knockin' on Emily Dickinson's door, and this time he has some timely advice. 

Wiz Khalifa is back as Death in the season finale of the hit Apple+ series Dickinson, but the foreboding character is taking a light turn and offering Emily (Hailee Steinfeld) some fashion tips that are timely in any age. 

In the E! exclusive clip above, the "See You Again" rapper—dressed like a sleek gentleman in a triple-breasted white suit and top hat—tells the young girl, "I was kind of thinking you could use a new look yourself."

Standing in a garden in a fitted dress, with her hair pulled neatly back, Emily stares at him baffled and asks, "What's wrong with how I look?"

He replies "It's not how about you look. It's how you feel. You got to wear something that makes you feel like yourself. Your clothes are supposed to make you feel like the one. Not the two."



Fashion Spotlight: Hailee Steinfeld

This leads Emily to question more than her wardrobe selection for the day. He continues, "You can't be walking around all hemmed up by everybody else's expectations. You got work to do, Miss Dickinson!"

Telling her to evaluate how she plans to get her poems out to the world," he reminds her what every mortal does not want to hear: "And you're on a bit of a deadline too. I don't know if you're going to be able to work fast enough dressed like that." 

Apple TV +

Lesson learned. Death is looking out for her and getting on her to get moving as the sands of time run out. Check out the clip yourself and get inspired to get your own dreams in action as you walk down the runway of life.

The season finale of Dickinson streams Dec. 24 on Apple TV+.

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