How Paris Hilton Feels About That Car Photo With Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan 15 Years Later

It's been 15 years since Paris Hilton was infamously snapped in a car with Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan after a night out in Los Angeles. Now, the DJ is opening up about the iconic photo.

By Gabrielle Chung Dec 04, 2021 2:29 AMTags
Watch: Paris Hilton Sends Love to Britney Spears in Shout-Out

Can you believe that it's been 15 years since Paris Hilton was photographed inside of a car with Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan, forever cementing a moment in pop culture history that defined the early aughts?

Well, neither can Paris. On the Dec. 3 episode of her This Is Paris podcast, the 40-year-old reality star was in awe at how much time has flown by since that fateful night out, saying, "It just blows my mind."

The historic image, which was taken in 2006 outside of the Beverly Hills Hotel, showed the trio crammed in the front seat of Paris' car. At the time, Paris and Lindsay were in a complicated patch of their friendship—so a snapshot of the duo together with the Princess of Pop unquestionably made headlines. Even Paris called it "iconic" this week.

"I can't believe it's been 15 years since this #iconic photo was snapped, and we were dubbed the #HolyTrinity of the 2000's," she wrote on Instagram.

Paris Hilton Through the Years

Looking back, Paris marveled at how much the trio have "grown up" and addressed both Lindsay's recent engagement announcement to Bader Shammas and the termination of Britney's 13-year conservatorship.



"I saw Lindsay got engaged, and I know that we've had our differences in the past, but I just wanted to say congratulations to her," the Paris In Love star said. "I am genuinely very happy for her, and it just makes me so happy to see."

Paris continued, "Fifteen years later, and so much has happened in the past two weeks. I got married, Britney got her freedom back and engaged. Lindsay just got engaged. I love seeing how different our lives are now, and how much we've grown up."

During the podcast, Paris also reflected the drama behind the infamous car photo and how "most of these problems were caused by the media."


Chelsea Lauren/Shutterstock

"In the 2000s, that's what it was all about. They loved pitting women against each other. That was their thing," she explained. "Every single tabloid cover would say, ‘So and so hates this person,' ‘Feud,' just causing more drama than there even was."

"With the internet, it's changed so much—that whole landscape. But during that the time, it was so vicious," Paris said. "I've dealt with it for a very long time."

For Paris, she's no longer the same person she was more than a decade ago. In fact, the DJ has a more mature perspective in life these days.

"Things have happened but I'm an adult now," she said. "I just realize that a lot of that was just being immature. Yes, there have been people that have hurt me, but I feel like now that I'm married and grown up and starting this next phase in my life, I don't want to have any of that negative energy."

"So, I forgive anyone that has hurt me in life," she added. "I just feel that it's just good to let all of that go."

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