Britney Spears Speaks Out After Her Conservatorship is Terminated: "I'm Gonna Cry"

Britney Spears broke her silence after a judge ended her conservatorship, which has lasted for more than a decade. See what the star said following the key court hearing on Nov. 12.

By Corinne Heller Nov 12, 2021 11:01 PMTags
Watch: Britney Spears Speaks on End of Conservatorship

Britney Spears is celebrating the "best day ever." 

On Friday, Nov. 12, a judge terminated the singer's conservatorship, which has controlled her life for 13 years.

The 39-year-old pop star addressed the news on Instagram with a video of her fans popping confetti outside the Los Angeles courthouse.

"Good God I love my fans so much it's crazy !!!" Britney wrote. "I think I'm gonna cry the rest of the day !!!! Best day ever." She added, "praise the Lord … can I get an Amen ???? #FreedBritney."

In another post, Britney reiterated that she "can't freaking believe it."

Following the hearing, her attorney Mathew Rosengart told fans, "What's next for Britney—and this is the first time that this can be said for about a decade—is up to one person: Britney."

Friday's session was the first hearing about the singer's conservatorship since her father, Jamie Spears, was suspended as her co-conservator on Sept. 29.

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During a virtual hearing in June, of which audio was later leaked, Britney called for an end to what she said was an "abusive" conservatorship and spoke out against her father. He had obtained the arrangement, which controlled her estate, and medical and personal affairs, in the same court in 2008 following his daughter's much-publicized psychiatric hospitalization.

Nicholas Hunt/FilmMagic

Jamie's lawyer provided a statement in September, reading, "All of his actions were well within the parameters of the authority conferred upon him by the court. His actions were done with the knowledge and consent of Britney, her court-appointed attorney, and/or the court. Jamie's record as conservator—and the court's approval of his actions—speak for themselves."

Weeks before his suspension, and amid growing public criticism of him that was fueled further by shocking claims in a New York Times documentary about the singer, Jamie filed a petition asking to end Britney's conservatorship entirely, a move she endorsed.

"Jamie has always and will always have Britney's best interests at heart," his attorney wrote in a Nov. 1 filing. "The fact is that thirteen years ago, a conservatorship was necessary to protect Britney in every sense of the word. Her life was in shambles and she was in physical, emotional, mental and financial distress. Through the Conservatorship, Britney has been able to return to a path towards stability in all of these phases of her life. The mission has been successful and it is now time for Britney to re-take control of her life. Not tomorrow or next week, now."

Chelsea Guglielmino/Getty Images

Earlier this week, in a since-deleted Instagram post about Friday's conservatorship hearing, Britney wrote, "This week is gonna be very interesting for me! I haven't prayed for something more in my life."

A day before the hearing, the singer's fiancé, Sam Asghari, shared on Instagram a video of the two wearing shirts supporting the #FreeBritney movement, the legion of fans who have lobbied to end her conservatorship and have in recent years staged demonstrations in favor of the singer outside the Los Angeles courthouse during hearings on the matter.

On Friday, scores of #FreeBritney supporters gathered outside the courthouse, with many wearing bright pink T-shirts and dancing to the pop star's songs. As Britney's lawyer arrived, they broke out in applause.

—Reporting by Alli Rosenbloom

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