Why Kristen Stewart Says She's Made Only "Five Really Good Films"

Kristen Stewart has been in the business for more than 20 years says she can count the work she’s proud of on one hand. Find out what made the cut!

By Tionah Lee Oct 25, 2021 8:34 PMTags
Watch: Kristen Stewart Shows Princess Diana's Pain in First "Spencer" Poster

Kristen Stewart is her own biggest critic.

"I've probably made five really good films, out of 45 or 50 films," the Twilight star told The Sunday Times in a recent interview. "Ones that I go, ‘Wow, that person made a top-to-bottom beautiful piece of work.'" 

Sorry, Twihards, but when it comes to her favorites, Kristen counts Clouds of Sils Maria and Personal Shopper, both directed by Olivier Assayas as tops. Beyond that, Kristen says her truly good films are "few and far between," though she wouldn't change a thing about her past work.

"That doesn't mean I regret the experience [of making them]," she said of her movies that didn't make the cut. "I've only regretted saying yes to a couple of films and not because of the result, but because it wasn't fun."  

Even then, Kristen stayed committed to the process. "The worst is when you're in the middle of something and know that not only is it probably going to be a bad movie, but we're all bracing until the end." 

Kristen Stewart's Best Looks

When asked if she would reveal the "bad movies," the 31-year-old actress took the high road and opted not to name names. Instead, Kristen compared the experience to dating. 


Courtesy of Pablo Larraín

"It's like starting to date someone and going, ‘Woah! I don't know what we're doing,'" she said. "But when you're in the middle of a movie, you can't just break up."

Kristen's latest role will be as Princess Diana in Spencer out Nov 5.

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