How Chris Martin Included Kids Apple and Moses On His New Album

Coldplay released their latest album, Music of the Spheres on Oct. 15, and there were two special guests on the record: Chris Martin’s kids, Apple and Moses. Find out how the pair contributed.

By Kisha Forde Oct 15, 2021 7:29 PMTags
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Chris Martin's kids may only be teenagers, but they already have some sweet-sounding credits.
On Friday, Oct. 15, Coldplay fans were not only treated to the release of the group's latest album, Music of the Spheres, but were surprised to learn that it featured work from two budding tastemakers: His 17-year-old daughter, Apple, and 15-year-old son, Moses.
Moses' vocals can be heard alongside his famous dad during the chorus of the song, "Humankind." The duo sing the lyrics, "I say I know I know I know, We're only human/I know I know I know /How we're designed, yeah /I know I know I know /We're only human/But from another planet/ Still they call us Humankind."
Another single from the album called "Let Somebody Go," features Selena Gomez and lyrics co-written by Apple, including the melody, "When I called the mathematicians and I asked them to explain/They said love is only equal to the pain." (And Selena isn't the only huge collaboration they book, with k-pop group BTS joining in on "My Universe.")

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And in a sweet nod to both of his children with former wife Gwyneth Paltrow, hearts are drawn next to both of their names in the album's credits.

The siblings' musical contributions to Coldplay's latest album isn't the first time the two proved that the apples truly don't fall from the tree. Back in 2016, both Apple and Moses performed onstage with their dad at a charity event for the Malibu Boys and Girls Club. Apple and Chris performed Ariana Grande's "Just a Little Bit of Your Heart," while Moses sang "House of Gold" by Twenty One Pilots.

Like father, like well—both children, actually.

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