Ashley Tisdale Reflects on Choosing Formula for Her Baby After "Hard" Breastfeeding Journey

In a first-person essay for Frenshe, Ashley Tisdale detailed the ups and downs of her breastfeeding journey with daughter Jupiter, including the moment she decided to choose formula.

By Kisha Forde Jun 25, 2021 12:30 PMTags
Watch: Ashley Tisdale Gives Birth, Names Daughter After Planet

Three months after giving birth to daughter Jupiter, Ashley Tisdale is sharing another honest glimpse into life as a new mom.
The Disney alum recently penned a first-person essay on the subject for her health and beauty website Frenshe and her details on the experience are relatable AF.
"I wish someone would've told me how hard breastfeeding really was," she wrote. "You see your friends who are new moms feeding their babies make it look so easy. But no one tells you how hard it really is. I think there's this pressure around the subject of breastfeeding, and that those who do it are the best moms, but that's not true."
The 35-year-old star—who shares her daughter with husband Christopher French—explained her journey began on the first day in the hospital, when her daughter had trouble latching. The High School Musical actress continued to breastfeed, but admitted it led to both her and Jupiter getting "frustrated." Once she realized her baby girl preferred to eat from a bottle (when she would pump), Ashley decided it was best to make the switch to formula instead.

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"I turned to my husband and said, ‘I feel like we're striving and not thriving with this breast milk situation,''' she recalled. "I was determined to make it work, but all I truly cared about was Jupiter having a good experience with feeding and getting the best nutrition."

Ashley also emphasized that giving Jupiter formula didn't impact their mother-daughter bonding moments whatsoever. "The thing about formula is that you still have that same special moment with your baby that you do with breastfeeding," she wrote. "You're still looking into your baby's eyes, whether it's with your breast or a bottle. I know it's super popular right now to post an Instagram picture of you breastfeeding, but what about the other moms who don't have that experience? The moms who try it, and it just doesn't work out?"

After finding a formula with nutritional ingredients similar to those found in breastmilk, Ashley shared that both mom and baby couldn't be happier. "So, it might not have been an easy ride from the start," she concluded her post. "But, I'm glad we found something that's trusted and works for us!"

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