
Olympian Simone Biles Shares Rare Glimpse Into Her Daily Training Schedule

In an exclusive interview with E! News, Olympic gymnast Simone Biles gave fans a preview into her schedule while training for more gold medals.

By Mike Vulpo, Alli Rosenbloom Jun 14, 2021 1:00 PMTags

Never underestimate the heart of a champion. 

After winning five Olympic medals at the 2016 Rio games, Simone Biles knows what it's like to accomplish your dreams and reach your goals.

But as the countdown continues for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, postponed to 2021, the 24-year-old athlete is more determined than ever before to win big once again, while also inspiring the world.

"I'm most excited about competing, showing off the athleticism that we've worked and trained so hard for, and also just the camaraderie in the Olympic Village is like something I've never seen in 2016," Simone exclusively told E! News while launching Nabisco's "Snack Together. Win Together" campaign. "I just was so shocked at how everybody from all around the world was gunning at the same thing, everybody had the same goal in mind...We're all in one spot trying to get a gold medal and everybody's so dedicated, motivated, just on top of their game. It's truly amazing."

Before she packs her bags and experiences another once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Simone is training six days a week in the gym and perfecting her skills. And spoiler alert: Her schedule isn't for the weak. 

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Starting bright and early at 7 a.m., the gymnast gets pumped with music from Beyoncé, Rihanna, and Megan Thee Stallion before working on three different events. Once morning practice is finished at 10:30 a.m., Simone heads home to eat lunch, take an hour nap and see her dogs. But at 2 p.m., Simone is already back practicing on the bar, beam and other events.

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"Monday and Wednesdays I do recovery after with our trainer, so I get a massage, ice, whatever that may be," Simone continued. "And then, I'm usually back home around 5:30 or so and that's Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday we have a half-day, Friday again is two practices. Saturday's a half day and we have Sunday off."

While working out is important, eating right is also a major part of Simone's preparations. Lunchtime usually involves a protein or a trip to the store to grab fresh, light sushi. For dinner, Simone's boyfriend Jonathan Owens likes to get in the kitchen and whip something special up. 

"Jonathan cooks either like salmon, chicken," Simone shared. "We eat a lot of chicken, either with broccoli, and like potatoes or mac and cheese, but always veggies with it and we kind of wind down for the night."

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That's not to say Simone is perfect all day, everyday. According to the athlete, her favorite cheat-day snack would be Oreo cookies. "I really love the Double Stuffed ones," she shared. "I also love good Chips Ahoy, Ritz Crackers or now, since I get up so early for gym, I love belVita Breakfast Biscuits, because I just take it on the go."

Emilee Chinn/Getty Images

"I never shy away [from] some snacks so I absolutely love being able to partner with Nabisco for ‘Snack Together. Win Together' and how snacks bring people together," Simone continued. "Especially during the Olympics, how we're going to be watching the games, whether that's virtually or as a family in their living room and I really think Nabisco has done a great job with that."

For this year's games, Jonathan will be unable to travel to Tokyo to cheer on his girlfriend in person. The Houston Texans football player will be in the middle of NFL season. As for Simone's parents, they will likely be hosting watch parties from home

"I know we're hosting one at the gym and then my parents will have a private one at the house with just family so, he's definitely part of the family," Simone shared. "They'll be there in spirit and I think that's what matters the most."

As excitement continues to build, Simone knows she's one of the top athletes to watch. At the same time, the Columbus, Ohio native can't help but picture young girls watching America's female athletes shine on the biggest stage. This summer, the gold medalist hopes to be an example to them.

"My advice is to be your own person. Don't let anybody tell you different," she proclaimed. "If you have goals, dreams, whatever it is, go for it. Don't let anybody hold you back because it's going to seem scary and it should. But in the end, it will pay off even if you're walking on that road alone. Just do it, go for it and believe in yourself."

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