The Circle Season 2 Winner Deleesa and Husband Trevor Expecting Baby No. 2

Deleesa St. Agathe, who used her husband Trevor's identity to win season 2 of Netflix's reality show The Circle, is expecting a second baby.

By Kaitlin Reilly May 06, 2021 9:18 PMTags
Watch: 5 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Netflix's "The Circle"

Deleesa St. Agathe won the popularity contest at the center of season 2 of Netflix's reality show The Circle—and now, she has one more thing to celebrate! 

Deleesa, who catfished her way to winning the other contestants' affections by playing as her husband Trevor, shared she was pregnant with her second child on Netflix's Strong Black Lead Instagram account. In the photo, Deleesa and Trevor—who is sporting a shirt that reads "Fight For Your Woman"—hold their daughter's hand as they smile for the camera. The account captioned the pic, "We've come full circle. Congratulations to Deleesa & Trevor on baby #2!!!"

Deleesa told The Daily Beast that she discovered she was expecting while on The Circle—and thinks it was the "goodbye sex" with Trevor that led to her second pregnancy. "I had to leave for a while, and we had to, you know, try to get it in one last time before I got on the plane," she joked. 

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The reality star told People that she and Trevor are expecting a second daughter. She shared that despite having pregnancy symptoms while filming the show, she didn't want to take a pregnancy test right away in order to stay focused at the task on hand. 


"When I say I'm the most competitive person in the world, I'm like, 'Okay that's gonna go to the back end because I can't do anything about it now. I'm not gonna tell Trevor. My mind has to stay in the game,' " she recalled. "I didn't want to take a pregnancy test because I just knew. I know my body."


Now, with the prize of $100,000 secured, Deleesa and Trevor can kick back, relax and enjoy the rest of her pregnancy. 

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