Teen Mom's Amber Portwood Slams Gary and Kristina Shirley After Leah's Birthday Confession

After Teen Mom OG aired a new episode, Amber Portwood took to Instagram Live and shared her frustrations about ex Gary Shirley and his wife Kristina.

By Mike Vulpo Mar 31, 2021 6:45 PMTags

Amber Portwood isn't impressed with her ex Gary Shirley.

On the March 30 episode of Teen Mom OG, viewers watched daughter Leah plan her birthday party. But in a surprising scene, the 12-year-old revealed that she wanted to celebrate without Amber. Instead, she preferred a more intimate gathering with her dad Gary and his wife Kristina Shirley.

"We don't really have a bond like that," Leah explained. "Twelve years and she hasn't really done anything. That's kind of been like Kristina's spot...All she did was give birth to me."

After watching the episode, Amber went on Instagram Live where she quickly criticized Gary and Kristina even after fans praised the couple. 

"I try to invest time with Leah all the time, all the time. It's all I ever do," Amber shared. "[Kristina] doesn't take care of my daughter. No, Gary does not clothe her, feeds her. Gary wouldn't have a job if it wasn't for me in the very beginning."

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She added, "[Leah] respects her because she brings her out to Starbucks, gets her nails done and spends over $1,000 of clothing on her. Hell, I'd respect her too. See, I wasn't raised that way. I was raised to not spoil my child."

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Many fans, however, were quick to push back after watching both Gary and Kristina encourage Leah to have a relationship with her mom.

"I tell you it's very important that you spend time with your mom," Gary shared in this week's episode. "I don't want you writing your mom off and saying I can't have a relationship with her because at some point, you should have a relationship with her." 

Kristina added, "I'm just the bonus mom."


Back in February, Amber admitted that her relationship with Leah isn't as strong as it once was. During an interview with E! News, the Never Too Late author teased fans that Leah was going to be outspoken on the show.

"She's just getting older and she wants to know why and what happened back in the day and she wants to know certain things," Amber explained. "It's hard because it's hurtful to me when she feels possibly like she has more of a connection with somebody else than me because I'm not around as much as other people. That sucks. I'm an hour way. It's hurtful, it really is. But I'm happy to watch my daughter become this strong queen."  

In regards to Leah's birthday party, Amber ended up declining an invite because she wanted to spend one-on-one time instead. And while some fans may disagree with the choice, Amber doesn't seem to mind.

"I'm just honest and I don't care what you think," the former 16 and Pregnant star shared on Instagram Live. "I'm not jealous of Kristina. There's nothing about Kristina that even makes me jealous in any sense." E! News has reached out to MTV for comment.

Teen Mom OG airs Tuesday nights at 8 p.m. only on MTV.

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