Rebel Wilson Reveals the Other Bridesmaids Role She Almost Landed

Rebel Wilson's hilarious turn in Bridesmaids almost didn't happen, the actress explained on SiriusXM's The Jess Cagle Show.

By Kaitlin Reilly Mar 31, 2021 5:58 PMTags
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Rebel Wilson's breakout role in Bridesmaids was almost entirely different.

Though the actress launched her film career playing the eccentric roommate of Kristen Wiig's character in the 2011 film (never forget her infected tequila worm tattoo!) she shared that the part wasn't what she originally auditioned for.

"My character wasn't supposed to exist in the movie. I'd auditioned for Melissa McCarthy's character and was the second choice for that role," Rebel explained on SiriusXM's The Jess Cagle Show. "I guess they liked my audition and added me into the film, essentially, so there was never supposed to be two roommates, only one. So I just kind of added myself in in a way to the scenes."

Rebel's character wasn't the only thing that Bridesmaids switched up, to hilarious results. In the original script, her character Brynn's tattoo was originally supposed to be a "hip-hop Garfield." But alas, it wasn't meant to be.

"On the day, they go, we cannot get the rights to hip-hop Garfield," she recalled. "And I'd worked out all these jokes to do about it and then we had to go with the Mexican drinking worm."

Rebel Wilson's Best Looks

The actress added that she really gave the part her all—even forgoing proper hygiene for the sake of comedy. 

Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP/Shutterstock

"I only filmed Bridesmaids for one week, and for the whole week I had to wrap myself in cling wrap around the torso area so that I could have that tattoo in case I wanted to refer to it," she shared. "We only used it on the first day, but just in case. So I didn't really shower properly that whole week of Bridesmaids." 


Universal Pictures

Fortunately, the struggle was well worth it. Following her turn in Bridesmaids, the actress starred as Amy in the Pitch Perfect franchise, as well as in movies like the Oscar-winning JoJo Rabbit and the rom-com parody Isn't It Romantic

In 2019, the star reflected on her role in Bridesmaids on Instagram. She shared a photo of the iconic tattoo, as well as several pics of her and the rest of the Bridesmaids cast sipping champagne and watching barely-clad men at a strip club. 

"Okay this post is a bit racy - was just going through some old photos and found these from the night Kristen Wiig took the girls from BRIDESMAIDS to a strip club for cast bonding!" Rebel wrote in the caption. "All these ladies are so talented and were so welcoming to me on my first film job in America! Lots of love to them all x #girlcomedyforever."

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