Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Photographer Shares the Story Behind Their Pregnancy Announcement

In a recent interview, the photographer for Meghan Markle’s baby announcement shared the symbolism behind the beautiful photo. Keep scrolling to hear the heartwarming meaning.

By Mona Thomas Feb 16, 2021 8:55 PMTags
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There is a deeper meaning behind Meghan Markle's baby bump photos.

On Feb. 16, photographer Misan Harriman spoke to Good Morning America and shared the symbolism behind the expectant mother's pregnancy announcement snapshots, which he created remotely from London while she and Prince Harry remained in California.

 In the black-and-white photo, the pair sit in the grass in front of a large tree with Megan's head resting on Prince Harry's lap.

Misan, who's also a longtime friend of the couple explained, "You don't even see the image, you feel it. They are lost in each other. And the tree in the background and just life growing around them is incredibly powerful and symbolic."

He noted the photo is meant to symbolize "fortitude, hope love," expressing, "Particularly for the many women going through this, this should give them strength to know there's light in that dark place. It really means a lot."

Misan also explained how he was able to capture the beautiful photo from across the pond. "In the age of COVID, it's impossible obviously for me to be there to shoot it, so technology came to rescue," he explained. "I was able to remotely take over the iPad and they could hear my voice and it was conversational and the rest really is history."

Meghan Markle's Pregnancy Style

The photographer shared the image to his Twitter account and wrote beautiful words for the moment. "Meg, I was there at your wedding to witness this love story begin, and my friend, I am honoured to capture it grow," he captioned the tweet. "Congratulations to The Duke and Duchess of Sussex on this joyous news!"

This will be the second child The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have together, along with their 21-month-old son Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor.

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