Chrissy Teigen Sets the Record Straight on "Misinterpreted" Horse Tweet

Chrissy Teigen revealed she's taken up horseback riding as she copes with the loss of son Jack, who died in October 2020.

By Cydney Contreras Jan 18, 2021 6:09 PMTags
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Chrissy Teigen continues to cope with the loss of son Jack.

The cookbook author took to Twitter on Saturday, Jan. 16 to reveal she has taken up horseback riding lessons as a way to help her manage the stress and anxiety after her pregnancy loss last October.

"My therapist says I need something that I do for just me, as I have absolutely nothing currently lol. Today begins my journey into the horse world. I hope this dude likes me," she tweeted. "he's so handsome and appears lazy, I love."

Though Chrissy had good intentions, a Twitter user accused her of being tone deaf. The person criticized, "A lot of people are unemployed and struggling to feed their family in the midst of a pandemic. Maybe now isn't a great time to say you 'have nothing' so you bought a horse to entertain yourself."

In response, the Cravings author clarified, "a lot of u really misinterpreted this tweet and I guess that's on me. I didn't say I have nothing, I said I have nothing I do for just me."

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She added that her therapist suggested she take up a hobby following Jack's passing as she's "figuring myself out."


Additionally, she explained, "i didn't buy a horse. But oh my god, what if I did?"

Chrissy's decision to take up horseback riding was largely supported by many of her followers, including reporter Soledad O'Brien. The mom tweeted, "A lot of us DIDN'T misinterpret your tweet and we think it's awesome. There's a big community of mom riders here (some incredibly accomplished... others... um.. going a lil slower!) congrats on your new hobby. As a mom of four I can tell you—it's great to have your own thing!"

Since the loss of her and John Legend's son in October, the former model has been open about the grieving process, detailing the ups and downs of the last few months. 


In November, Chrissy wrote on social media, "when I'm old and grey, I will look back on the last two months as being brutal, exhausting, sad, physically challenging, mentally painful bitches of a couple months. But I refuse to not find humor in both the rage-fits and the outfits."

"I already see the leaves as orange instead of grey, realized the sky is indeed blue and not black and horn honks on my forced morning walks only bring me to my knees half the time," she continued. "I can make it up my stairs only stopping once or twice instead of every other, and can get out of the bathtub all by myself as long as I have the promise john will dry me off."

In the process of mourning Jack, Chrissy, who shares daughter Luna Stephens, 4, and Miles Stephens, 2, with John, has stopped drinking alcohol, explaining in December that she decided to do so after some self-discovery. She explained, "I was done with making an ass of myself in front of people (I'm still embarrassed), tired of day drinking and feeling like s--t by 6, not being able to sleep."

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