Cody Simpson Celebrates His "Personal Milestone" After Qualifying for the Olympic Trials

"For years I had been fueled by the silent fire in my stomach of returning to my first love, the sport of swimming," Cody Simpson shared in a special Instagram post about his latest achievement.

By Alyssa Morin Dec 13, 2020 6:43 PMTags
Watch: Cody Simpson Celebrates After Qualifying for 2021 Olympic Trials

Cody Simpson has a "golden thing" on his mind.

The Australian singer is closing out 2020 with an incredible bang. On Saturday, Dec. 12, the 23-year-old star shared the exciting and special news that he's one step closer to trying out for the 2021 Olympics.

It appears the "Golden Thing" singer is hoping to compete in the swimming category.

"I just qualified for my first Olympic trials," Cody began his Instagram caption. "I'd love to share this personal milestone and let you in on my current journey as an athlete that I've kept relatively low key until now."

"Growing up competing, and then inevitably having to cut my career short as 13 year old [sic] Australian champion when I was given an opportunity in music that I couldn't refuse," he continued. "I have had the chance to experience so much as a musician from touring in arenas around the world, releasing top 10 albums, playing a leading man on Broadway, publishing a work of poetry, traveling with and speaking at the United Nations on environmental and oceanic matters and much more."

2021 Summer Olympics Status Check

Cody explained that while he's grateful for the opportunities he's been given as a musical artist, he's always had a passion for "the sport of swimming."

"Now almost exactly 10 years later," he went on, "here I am once more. For years I had been fuelled by the silent fire in my stomach of returning to my first love, the sport of swimming, with the idea that 2020 would be my year to have a crack at training again."

He raved, "After only 5 months back in the water training with my incredible coach @hawkebr, I was able to take out a win and secure a spot at next years [sic] Australian Olympic trials in the 100 fly."

According to the Australian Swimming Organization, the Australian Olympic trials will determine if an athlete will be nominated for the country's team to compete in the 2021 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympic Games.


In closing, Cody left his followers with one inspiring message. "It is my greatest ambition to expand the limit and perceived notion of what's possible for a man to achieve in a single lifetime, and I'm here to tell you [sic] can do absolutely ANYTHING if you are willing to work for it. I'm looking forward to seeing where this all takes me on the long road ahead!"

The star's dedication and focus on swimming comes four months after he and Miley Cyrus decided to break up after 10 months of dating. One day after they split, Miley released her single, "Midnight Sky," and addressed their relationship on Instagram Live.

"...Two halves can't make a whole and we're individually just working on ourselves to become the people that we wanna be," she shared back in August. "Like everybody else at this age, we're just deciding who we wanna be with our lives, what we wanna do with our lives. And so, don't make it some drama story if next week we're out hanging out or getting pizza. We've been friends for 10 years and we're gonna continue to be friends."

That same month, an insider shared the same sentiments as Miley, saying, "Cody felt like he was in a different place and wanted to be single. Miley started to get busy working on new music and their relationship fizzled out. Nothing bad happened and they still respect each other."

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