TikTok Star Bryce Hall's Power Shut Off After House Parties Violate Public Health Orders

TikTok star Bryce Hall’s house reportedly lost power as Los Angeles cracked down on gatherings in violation of public health orders.

By Mike Vulpo Aug 20, 2020 12:27 AMTags
 Bryce Hall, The Venue of Hollywood Albert L. Ortega/Getty Images

TikTok star Bryce Hall may have a lot less power tonight.

On Wednesday, Aug. 19, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti authorized the city to disconnect utility service at a house in the Hollywood Hills that had recently hosted several large parties in violation of public health orders.

While the mayor did not reveal the house address or owner, a New York Times reporter and TMZ confirmed the home in question belongs to Bryce. 

In his statement, Eric expressed how important it was for Los Angeles residents to stop the spread of the Coronavirus.

"Despite several warnings, this house has turned into a nightclub in the hills, hosting large gatherings in flagrant violation of our public health orders," he shared in a statement. "The city has now disconnected utilities at this home to stop these parties that endanger our community."

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Eric continued, "If we wish to reopen more businesses, return our kids to school, or get back to our normal lives, we must continue to wear masks, wash our hands frequently, and as we're emphasizing today, avoid gathering with others. All of these actions save lives."

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E! News has reached out to Bryce's team for comment and has not heard back.

On Aug. 4, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health issued a public statement in regard to large house parties. "The highest-risk settings are large in-person gatherings where it is difficult for individuals to remain spaced at least 6 feet apart and where face coverings are not worn," the statement read. "The consequences of these large parties ripple throughout our entire community because the virus can quickly and easily spread."

According to the mayor's office, the house in question hosted parties on both Aug. 8 and Aug. 14. The mayor's office claimed Los Angeles Police Department visited the property on both occasions and issued warnings. Bryce's birthday also fell on Aug. 14.

Previously, Bryce's close friend Josh Richards was asked about influencers throwing parties during COVID-19.

"I think that we definitely are in a time that's super confusing and people are acting out in a bunch of different ways," he told E! News on Aug. 7. "But, there's definitely a way to do it safely and quarantine safely and people should do that."

When news broke of the mayor's decision, Bryce was spotted on Instagram Stories hanging out with Josh after working out with six friends.

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