
Kate Hudson Reveals the Words She Tells Herself When She's Feeling Stressed

Exclusive: The WW ambassador, Fabletics co-founder, actress and mom of three revealed her go-to indulgence and inspiring approach to a healthy lifestyle.

By Tierney Bricker Aug 12, 2020 7:00 AMTags
Watch: Kate Hudson Launches Eco-Friendly Happy x Nature Line

"Don't expect yourself to be a super-human! It's just not possible. Or fun, for that matter!"

Stitch that Kate Hudson quote on pillows and place one in every room of our house because it's the 2020 mantra we all need to live by. 

The Weight Watchers ambassador opened up about her go-to nutritious recipes and indulgences in E! News' Wellness Wednesday series, which features some of our favorite stars detailing their self-care routines. And fun is definitely a word we would use to describe her approach to a healthy lifestyle. 

And given her passion for all things wellness—including co-founding the popular athletic-wear company Fabletics—it shouldn't come as much of a surprise that the How to Lose a Guy in 10 Day star's daily practices are inspiring. But given that she is also a mom to sons Ryder Robinson, 16, and Bingham Hawn Bellamy,9, and daughter Rani Rose Hudson Fujikawa, 22 months, her day-to-day is also super relatable, with Hudson working to "cultivate a positive mindset" and make time for herself. 

How to Self-Care at Home Like the Stars

Three Things You Try to Do Each Day:
1. I stay mindful about what I eat. The barcode scanner on the WW app is one of my favorite features because it helps keep me in check if I need it!
2. I always move, even for a few minutes each day. Sometimes I'll go into a room, turn up the music and just dance. It's a great way to let loose and feel great.
3. One of the WW mantras I love is "what's on your mind is just as important as what's on your plate" and that's so true. That's why I make sure to unwind at the end of the day—whether that's connecting with a group of my girlfriends or meditating to just let it all go. Cultivating a positive mindset is such a crucial part to staying healthy and well.

Lawrence Busacca/Getty Images; E! Illustration

Your Go-To Snack:
I am snacking so much while I've been at home! I think it's because I'm home and near my fridge all day. I slice up an apple and it fills me up between meals. I love the satisfying crunch and so do my kids.

Your Go-To Healthy Recipe: 
My diet is mostly plant-based but sometimes I will add chicken, fish or steak. I seek two key elements when I cook: The ingredients must be fresh and the recipe must be easy. Lately I have been obsessed with this pan-seared summer squash. I also adore this grilled salmon with mango salsa. It is to die for!

Your Go-To Indulgence:
I do love a good dirty martini made with my King St. vodka! For me, it's about everything in moderation and just being mindful of what you're putting in your body.

Your No. 1 Self-Care Tip:
We all put so much pressure on ourselves, and this pandemic has been an extraordinary, challenging time for self-care. My number one tip right now is to rely on others when you need it! I've always said that community is essential to wellness that's why Fabletics is a community, that's why I've partnered with WW, which has an amazing community of members who support each other. Your community—no matter who it is—can help you find balance! Don't expect yourself to be a super-human! It's just not possible. Or fun, for that matter!

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