Pregnant Sophie Turner Sends Powerful Message About Systemic Racism

Taking to Instagram, Sophie Turner delivered a powerful message about systemic racism after a fan questioned the need for Black Lives Matter protests.

By emily belfiore Jun 08, 2020 12:15 PMTags
Watch: Sophie Turner Sends Powerful Message About Systemic Racism

The Queen in the North has spoken.

Over the weekend, Sophie Turner delivered a powerful message about fighting for racial justice.

After the actress shared pictures from the Black Lives Matter protest that she and husband Joe Jonas attended in Los Angeles, a fan questioned the need for the protest in the comments section, noting that all four officers in George Floyd's death have been arrested and charged: "so there justice sooooo can we have peace now ?"

Turner used this opportunity to educate. "this isn't just about those 4 cops, this is about Breonna Taylor, this is about Trayvon Martin, this is about Eric Garner, this is about the systemic racism that black people have faced for hundreds and hundreds of years."

She continued, "This is about changing the system. Justice will be done when society reflects our believes that we are all equal. Until then there should be no peace."

Celebrities Attending Protests Over George Floyd's Death

Last week, the Games of Thrones alum took to Instagram to show her support for the Black Lives Matter movement. "My heart is heavy. I stand in solidarity with those speaking out against racism and fighting for justice and equality," she wrote. "Silence is not an option."

Turner also urged her fans to educate themselves on the movement by providing a list of activists to follow. Among them were Colin Kaepernick, Indya Moore and Rachel Elizabeth Cargle. She added, "While my voice is not one that needs to be heard, I want to highlight some of those we should listen to."

Like Turner, several celebrities including Jamie FoxxAriana GrandeTinashe, Halsey, Nick Cannon and more have participated in protests in light of Floyd's death and have been using their platform to fight for social justice

Watch: Ariana Grande & More Protest Over George Floyd's Death

On Saturday, Michael B. Jordan addressed the crowd during a protest in Los Angeles and called for change. "What we are doing today will make our values heard and our voices heard," he said. "What we are doing today will make our values heard and our voices heard. We've got to keep agitating things. We can't be complacent. We can't let this moment just pass us by, we have to continue to put our foot on their necks." 

"E! stands in solidarity with the black community against systemic racism and oppression experienced every day in America," the network said in a statement on May 31. "We owe it to our black staff, talent, production partners and viewers to demand change and accountability. To be silent is to be complicit. #BlackLivesMatter."

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