
Vanessa Hudgen's Trainer Isaac Calpito Shares the Sculpting Routine That Has the Entire Internet Hooked

Trainer Isaac Calpito's morning Instagram Live workout sessions are Hollywood's hottest ticket—and Vanessa Hudgens' and Lisa Rinna's pro has created a routine for E! News.

By Amanda Williams, Sarah Grossbart Jun 10, 2020 4:00 PMTags
Watch: Isaac Boots' Full Body Express Torch'd Workout

These days, the hottest celebrity hang is on the Internet and it kicks off each morning at 11 a.m. 

That's when Isaac Calpito, the sparkly yoga tight-clad, Broadway-trained pro responsible for Vanessa Hudgens' and Lisa Rinna's sculpted shapes, turns up the Taylor Swift and his (sometimes expletive-laced) charms as he leads some 2,500 devotees through his sweat-inducing, booty-toning Torch'd workout on Instagram Live. 

The 45-minute sessions, filled with leg circles, hip pulses and crunches are free (and live on his feed for 24 hours, during which upwards of 17,500 more exercisers partake). And sweating it out right now, may provide a mental release that has never felt more necessary. But the Hamptons-based pro does make one request, asking those that are able to donate whatever they can to No Kid Hungry. 

In the 12 weeks since his first March 17 session, he's raised more than $240,000. 

"I offered it basically to connect with my clients first. You know, because we're in quarantine," he explains to E! News of his transition from devoted trainer to viral sensation. "Second day it was like, 'Hi, I'm from Guatemala. Hi, I'm from Portugal. Hi, I'm in Germany.' I was like, what? And they keep coming back. I quickly saw an opportunity to make it even more impactful."

Having grown up with his mom working three jobs to keep food on the table, No Kid Hungry, is immensely personal to Calpito. "A child not knowing where their next meal is coming from is, devastatingly alarming and shouldn't happen," he stresses. "You know, it's 2020, let's get it together." His initial goal was a relatively humble $1,000: "We reached that in 15 minutes." 


Calpito knew he had something when his West Side Story castmates began joining in on the pre-show routine he'd put together simply because he didn't have time to pop out to his favorite Pilates class.

"I was like, you know what, I need to create some something for me that's 45 minutes to an hour that I can stay fit, stay lean, and yet still be able to immediately perform and be in tip top shape," he says of the moves he'd do right on the Palace Theatre stage. "I would have my little boombox and I would just do it alone. Slowly but surely the entire cast started joining it. Wow. And so I started, like, directing and, and calling cues out and I saw people's bodies change and word of mouth happened."

These days, endorphin-seekers are apt to see everyone from Jessica Chastain to Kelly Ripa adding their commentary to the IG sessions between forearm planks. Rinna, who like Hudgens has joined Calpito for sessions on split screen) recently told The New York Times that she plans her entire mornings around the classes that have left her butt better than ever.

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"It gives me something to look forward to," she told the paper. "I don't like to work out by myself, I'm a class girl and at the end, I feel like I've just been to a boutique fitness class."

Part of that is what Calpito calls "the magic sauce," the community feel created through the constant commentary. "The live streams are so over-the-top and hilarious that people are like, 'It's really hard. But I'm like laughing my ass as off,'" he shares. "People are making friends with people they've never met just because they see the same names."

Plus, you know, they're getting fit AF.

"It is a 45-minute to an hourlong flow of body resistance-targeted reps," he explains. "It was created without weights because the idea is that you can do it anywhere without anything." 

Ready to feel the burn? Calpito has put together a routine for E! News. Check out the video above and the descriptions below and get to sweating. Then, consider celebrating your workout victory with a donation to No Kid Hungry

Leggings for Brunch and Beyond

Warm Up
Plank to Downward Dog: 2 reps
Plank Shoulder Taps: 8 reps with each arm
Downward Dog back to High Plank, then into Forearm Plank
Forearm Plank Alternating Hip Drops: 8 reps each side
Forearm Plank to High Plank: 2 reps
Forearm Plank Hold: 8 seconds

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Arm Series 
(use 5-pound weights)
Bicep Curls: 4 reps of full curls, slow; 8 reps of half curls, double time; do 3 sets
Bicep Curls Extensions: 6 reps slow; 6 reps double time

Inhale and move both arms straight up

Arm raises (move from straight out to the side to above the head): 8 reps

Hold arms out

Arm Circles Forward: 4 reps
Arm Circles Back: 4 reps
Rotate arms up and down: 2 sets of 8 reps
Lateral Raises: 8 reps

Leg Series
Start in tabletop position; do moves with the right leg, then the left

Straight Leg Pulses Up: 8 reps 
Leg Circles Out: 8 reps 
Leg Circles In: 8 reps
Pulse Out and Up: counts of 4
Pulse Out and Up: counts of 2
Pulse Out and Up: counts of 1
Leg Circles In: 8 reps
Leg Circles Out: 8 reps
Leg Lift-Cross Back and Touch: 8 reps

Place left forearm on the ground and stack hips with right leg on top (switch when you do left leg) 

Straight Leg Pulses: 8 reps
Leg Circles In: 8 reps
Leg Circles Out: 8 reps
Leg to the Side—Touch and Back: 8 reps
Combine Cross Back, Lift to Side, Touch: 2 sets of 8 reps
Straight Leg to the Side Lifts: 8 reps
Straight Leg to the Side Pulses: 8 reps
Attitude Pulses: 8 reps
Attitude to Coupe Touches: 8 reps
Attitude Pulses: 8 reps
Thigh to Shoulder: 8 reps
Straight Leg Pulses: 8 reps
Leg to Side Extension: 8 reps
Straight Leg Side Pulses: 8 reps

Side body series: keep the leg you were just working on top

Pulse with Top Leg Flexed: 8 reps
Leg Circles Front: 8 reps
Leg Circles Back: 8 reps
Touch Front and Back with Pointed Toe: 8 reps slow; 8 reps double time 

Forearm Plank Knee Bends: 8 reps
Forearm Plank Hold: 8 seconds

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Abs Series
Sit with legs and arms out in front of you

Roll Down and Up; 3 reps (end down on ground, with legs straight out)
Crunches: 8 reps
Crunches with Right Leg Lifted: 4 reps
Crunches with Left Leg Lifted: 4 reps
Crunches with Right Leg Lifted: 2 reps
Crunches with Left Leg Lifted: 2 reps
Crunches with Right Leg Lifted: 1 rep
Crunches with Left Leg Lifted: 1 rep
Crunches with Right Leg Lifted: 1 rep
Crunches with Left Leg Lifted: 1 rep

Roll up to seated
Roll down

Crunches With Right Knee Bent In: 4 reps
Crunches With Left Knee Bent In: 4 reps
Crunches With Both Knees Bent In: 4 reps
Crunches With Knees Pointed Out: 4 reps
Crunches With Both Knees Bent In: 4 reps

Place feet down and transition to bridge

Hip Pulses: 2 sets of 8 reps
Right Hip Pulses: 4 reps
Left Hip Pulses: 4 reps
Right Hip Pulses: 2 reps
Left Hip Pulses: 2 reps
Right Hip Pulses: 1 rep
Left Hip Pulses: 1 rep
Right Hip Pulses: 1 rep
Left Hip Pulses: 1 rep

Hold both hips up

Lower Hips Down and Up: 3 reps
Pulse With Lifted Heels: 2 sets of 8 reps

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